and students. It serves two unique functions: it is the measure of how difficult a text is OR a student’s reading ability level. The Lexile Framework was developed by MetaMetrics©, an educational assessment and research team, funded originally by the National Institute of Child Health and ...
资料来源: 6.蓝思分级评价体系Lexile 蓝思阅读测评体系是美国Metametircs教育公司受美国国家卫生研究院(National Institute of Health)资助,经过15年的研究开发出来的。在美国,蓝思阅读测评体系的使用越来越普遍,有些图书在亚马逊网站直接标出了...
The Lexile frameworks for reading and listening help educators and parents match students to materials at the right level of difficulty.
The Lexile frameworks for reading and listening help educators and parents match students to materials at the right level of difficulty.
The Lexile frameworks for reading and listening help educators and parents match students to materials at the right level of difficulty.
Grade Level Charts Lexile Analyzer Career Database WordLists Measures Manager breadcrumb navigationHome›Educators›Understanding Lexile® Measures›About Lexile® Measures for Reading Lexile measures provide educators with an interpretive — not prescriptive — tool for measuring student growth and pre...
Star Reading 的AR分级系统(Accelerated Reader),和“Lexile蓝思指数”一样,也是一套成熟的英文阅读分级体系,在英美两国都广泛适用。AR分级包括两部分:评定书籍难易程度的ATOS和评估阅读者阅读能力的STAR,测试从五个维度衡量:平均句子长度、平均字长、文章词汇总量、词汇使用年级、文章内容理解难度。测试分值其采用10进位...
GRL/F&P的分层阅读体系(Guided Reading Level):由Irene Fountas 和 Gay Su Pinnell两位具有一线课堂教育经验的语言学家开发,注重从教学角度出发『人工』精细评测; 蓝思(Lexile Measure/Lexile Framework):美国应用最广的分级阅读体系,配套有蓝思评测系统对孩子英语能力专业检测。通过词汇和句子长度衡量书籍难度,通过数字...
Kindergarten through second-grade readers made the most Lexile growth, with first graders gaining the most. At third grade and higher, the growth dropped lower and lower. Also included is a discussion concerning significant growth by starting level, with implications for goal setting.doi:10.1598/...
蓝思Lexile属于美国主流分级阅读体系中的一个,同时还有以下体系都并行。无论是作为家长,还是老师,可以同时参考多个分级体系来确定一本书到底是不是和孩子阅读。 RL(Grade Level Equivalent) 按照美国K12年级加月份标注,5.3,就是5年级第3个月 GRL(Guided Reading) ...