Take the quick and free test below to measure your reading speed and comprehension level. Note that the tests are in English. Take the free reading test Or, if you want to learn more about reading better, read on: Why are some people better at reading than others? Can you actually measu...
It also includes over 900 themed and leveled reading comprehension tests with longer stories, more questions and more choices. Learn more about AceReader at www.acereader.com. Select Theme, Text Complexity Level and Story, then click on the Begin button....
Try our free Speed Reading Test. Discover your reading speed and comprehension level. Improve your reading skills and efficiency using our interactive test!
FREE Online Reading Speed & Comprehension Tests Find out how fast you read - and whether there's room for improvement... Reading Speed and Comprehension Test 1 (a political article about Iraq) Reading Speed and Comprehension Test 2 (an article about reading-trends) Please Note : If you are...
Readable, the most extensive readability checker. Readability tests: Flesch reading ease, Flesch-Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fox Index, SMOG Index & more
The IELTS General Training Reading will give you 60 minutes to complete 3 sections where the question subject will be everyday/ general topics. With the IELTS General Reading Practice Tests, level up your preparedness and get acquainted with the strategies needed to appear for the IELTS exam. Se...
Want to know your current reading speed and also measure your comprehension? Why not try one of our free reading tests and see how you get measure up?
Level 5 (C2) Pearson tests Level Test CEFRFree Practice Tests for learners of EnglishPTE General Level 3 Reading, part 1 Read the passage and complete the sentences below. Tigers: They're big, brave and scary, right? Well, not necessarily it seems, if we believe this story from a zoo ...
Free TOEFL Reading English Resources TOEFL Reading Introduction The reading section is the first section of the TOEFL iBT test. It tests your ability to read and answer questions at an academic level. It contain 3-4 passages with each passage containing 10 questions for a total of 30-40 quest...
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