这个是Raz成功登录之后的主界面:简单来说,这两个模块的定位,Reading room主要是做兴趣泛读的。 Level up是在孩子的蓝斯值范围内进行三步法高效精读。后者是核心功能模块,重点使用。Raz的level up模块的理解是,太简单的书,孩子读着没有意思,不爱读。太难的书,孩子会出现畏难情况读不了。只有最适合孩子的书...
Scan your books' ISBNs to view the Guided Reading, Grade Level Equivalent, DRA, and Lexile levels/measures for the book. Perfect for educators and parents.
reading level基准书访问可数千本raz lf01wb manyroads.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 BBEENNCCHHMMAARRKK••FF ManyRoads AReadingA–ZLevelFBenchmarkBook Visitforthousandsofbooksandmaterials. ManyRoads LevelFBenchmarkBook ©2002ProQuestLearningPage IllustratedbyFred...
And for most of that period, a very small percentage of the population read, books were very expensive. It was very expensive to print.在那个时期的大部分时间里,只有很小一部分人读书,书籍非常昂贵。印刷成本非常高。This became, you know, it became more widespread with the development of ...
of reading and enjoy the pleasure of reading. Let's go into the world of books together to find the treasure of knowledge and make life more colorful because of reading.因此,我们应该养成阅读的习惯,享受阅读的乐趣。让我们一起走进书的世界,寻找知识的宝藏,让生活因阅读而变得更加丰富多彩。
furtherreading(= at the end of a book, a list of other books that give more information about the same subject) 其他阅读参考材料 牛津词典 The report makes for interestingreading(= it is interesting to read) . 这篇报道读起来很有意思。
All right, tip number two is that it's actually totally okay to quit books while you're in the middle of them.好的,第二个建议是:在读到一半时放弃一本书是完全可以的。Again reading has this weird thing like we have this weird mindset around books that if I start a book, I then ...
By cultivating the habit of reading, we believe that we can continuously improve our cognitive level and thinking ability, and lay a solid foundation for future development.通过培养阅读习惯,相信我们将可以不断提升自己的认知水平和思维能力,为未来的发展打下坚实的基础。阅读习惯的重要性 The importance ...
Lenin said: "Books are a powerful force". Books are the ladder of human progress. For children, reading not only broadens their horizons and increases their knowledge, but also is a kind of spiritual comfort. Swimming in the sea ...
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