IRL (Instructional Reading Level IRL指的是最佳阅读指导等级,用这个难度的阅读教材对学生进行指导教学,学生对该内容的掌握程度可以达到80%及以上,可以达到最佳的阅读指导效果。)2.8:这名学生目前可达到最佳指导效果的教材难度为2.8,对应 AR 值/ATOS Book Level 为 2.8 的阅读材料。 Est. ORF:87 (Estimated Oral ...
Thirteen detailed reports give teachers rich insights into engagement and achievement at the student and class level, so they can keep literacy going strong. myON for administrators, teachers, and family Make reading a schoolwide conversation
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder Curious what books have quizzes? Search from more than 220,000 books based on authors, topics, or titles. AR Bookfinder Defining ATOS What is ATOS? How is it determined? Discover what goes into an ATOS level and how our team determines an ATOS level for each...
如果要想知道一本书的难度,可以通过Renaissance官网的Book Finder工具(进行查询。有超过20万本书,市面上大部分畅销的书目基本都能找到。 比如下面这本绘本,我们通过查询可以知道书的难度ATOS Book Level:1.5,这个值也是我们平时所说的AR值。 Q12. 所有书籍都可以用AR来做题吗? 只有通过(arbookfind...
可以登入找到适合学生的书籍。AR Book Finder上的书籍都会有三个指数,分别是ATOS Book Level,Interest Level:LG 和Word Count。这三个指数会综合评判书籍的整体指标,帮助学生去找到符合自己兴趣爱好和难度等...
A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy. Author interviews, book reviews and lively book commentary are found here. Content includes books from bestselling, midlist and deb
Library Futures: Call for Interoperable Ebook Standards in the Academic Book Market 25 February 2025 (InfoDocket) … including “consistent open metadata using open, universal standards such as OPDS,” and “DRM systems, such as Readium LCP, that use open standards to facilitate interoperable, syst...
AR Book Finder上的书籍都会有三个指数,分别是ATOS Book Level,Interest Level:LG 和Word Count。这三个指数会综合评判书籍的整体指标,帮助学生去找到符合自己兴趣爱好和难度等级的书籍。 ATOS:难度指数,0-20分值 Interest level:书籍的兴趣程度适合的年级 ...
A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy. Author interviews, book reviews and lively book commentary are found here. Content includes books from bestselling, midlist and deb
I connected my SanDisk SD card to transfer some necessary files and folders, but my card is not recognized by MacBook Pro. I thought to check my card properly and I connected that SD card to my friend's machine but again card didn't get recognized on his Mac machine. Maybe there is ...