While-reading: Reading for information (P38 ~ P39) often rains; a harbour; beautiful mountains looking out over the city; a forest just a short distance away China Vancouver an open country; two wheat-growing provinces; a bunch of farms that covered a very large area Lake blue wate...
The original collection of poetry was written by Robert Hayman in the neighbouring town of Harbour Grace and was first printed and published in London, England, in 1628, under the titleQuodlibets, Lately Come Over from New Britaniola, Old Newfoundland. ...
Stepping away from the serious analysis of the topics for a moment, we do some simple text mining of the posts for some insights into how the fieldwork documented on the blog compares to fieldwork we seen in the movies. Here are a pair of charts that show total word counts for some wo...
I don’t know about you, but I am personally very excited for May. There are so many things happening this month that I’ve been really looking forward to: my dad’s 70th birthday (+ having my youngest sister in town), finalizing my new website (set to launch in early June), launc...
Fine. However, of recent years, and under the influence (I think) of American TV and movies, electrical lighting has started to cover the whole front facades of suburban houses, complete with neon-enabled ‘on-off’ colours which have a terrible effect on those of us whose eyes have ...
Currently reading The Tourist Trap by Sarah Morgenthaler and finding it a bit too quirky for its own good. I love a quirky small town setting but so far this is feeling a bit try hard. Had a bit of a Jill Shalvis kick – IT HAD TO BE YOU and ALWAYS ON MY MIND, in her Lucky Ha...
2. Cape Town, 1995 Now, reading again of Wounded Knee, the Trail of Tears, I test names by my tongue: Oglala Sioux, Lakota Sioux, many Sioux; difficult ones: Wampanoag, Kwakiutl; the easier Mohawk, Iroquois, Shawnee. And I measure ...
I’m also on a non-fiction bend right now, and have recently startedThe Purpose of Powerby Alicia Garza. Yes, THE Alicia Garza! Her book is coming out in October, get your preorders on! What books have you been reading lately? Tell us below!
It’s pretty much a done thing by now that 2015 is the year of watching movies rather than reading books. And there’s a resolution for next year – make 2016 the year of reading books. Instead of slapping another DVD in the player of an evening, pick up a book instead. I have so...
But he arrives at the town to find it deserted, his foster father dead, and Wolfram—a man Marcus knew when they both were teenagers—the new blacksmith. The two men throw in their lot together, traveling across Gaul to the coast of Brittany where they become part of a group of people...