This page has a 6th grade level reading comprehension articles, stories, and poems. Each passage has reading comprehension questions and a vocabulary activity.
doi:10.36473/UJHSS.V222I2.406T. Assist.Yasmeen Bade'a AhmedUniversity of Baghdad - College of Education - Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences
drought: extreme dryness for a long time recycling: using materials numerous times II. Good or bad? Write G if this is good for the Earth, or B if this is bad for the Earth. ___ 1. Some people burn coal to generate electricity. ___ 2. More people are riding bicycles. _...
For use with Grade6. 美国学乐教育集团1920年成立于美国纽约,是全球知名的儿童图书和多媒体软件的出版和发行商。90多年来,学乐始终致力于发展儿童英语教育,因此被美国教育界推崇为“教育界值得信赖的品牌”。学乐的宗旨是“帮助全球儿童更好地阅读和学习”。学乐集团是一家年销售额超过20亿美金的美国上市公司,在...
Other fish mistake the glowing lure for a meal and venture closer. When they do, the anglerfish moves quickly and snaps them up. Because many bioluminescent animals live deep underwater, most people can't see them. However, tiny one-celled creatures called dinoflagellates live in the sea ...
Then answer the questions or complete the statements in LESS THAN TEN WORDS. Stress for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult. To deal with it, it’s important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers. When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to ...
1.Reading Skills: Grade 6 Flash Kids阅读技巧六年级 More complex texts and questions advance the reader to a higher stage of reading comprehension. Readers draw upon their ability to discern facts, make inferences, understand context and sequence, pinpoint the main idea, and draw a ...
Reading texts can be long or short in the passage and usually they are followed by some number of questions below the text. The purpose of the questions is to help the students understand the passage as well as to get the main idea of the text. Reading comprehension is important because ...
We support whole class and small group instruction and support teachers in moving to strategic instruction. Students build understanding and knowledge through text sets, compelling questions, and integrated reading and writing activities. Our curriculum features: ...
8.Looking for the Fine Print. Click Image to Enlarge Students read advertisements to practice reading critically.SEE MORE 9.Los Angeles Area Gets a New Spider. Click Image to Enlarge Read this article, then answer the questions below.SEE MORE ...