在国外,这本书深受教师和家长的认可,被众多“阅读指导课”推荐为教师参考书,全球百万读者受益。 在美国亚马逊搜索“reading strategies"的关键字,畅销书No.1就是它,95%的人给出了5分好评! 在国内豆瓣平台,它也拿下了9.5的高分。 国内读者也是好评不断,觉得本书简直是救命良药: “语文教师必看” “适合家庭教育...
Reading FluencyRepeated Reading StrategyThis study aimed to examine the effect of repeated reading which is one of reading fluency strategies on improving reading performance of third-grade elementary school students. The sample of this study was the third-grade students who studied in two different ...
While educators know that oral reading fluency is an important stepping stone on the path to reading comprehension, the truth is that teaching oral reading fluency is often a time-consuming and individual process, requiring teachers to assess each student, analyze their data, and respond to that ...
P104【104】toobaloo and echo mic_ using tools to engage readers and develop fluency 00:55 P105【105】what's the text message__ modeling reading strategies (virtual tour) 01:46 P106【106】口语练习 bean bag walk_ developing receptive language 01:05 P107【107】five little latkes__ fostering ...
2.伙伴阅读(Partner Reading):两人的学生小组大声交替阅读,每次有新段落时都会切换。或者他们可以同时阅读每个部分。3. 同伴辅助学习策略(Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies):同伴辅助学习策略(PALS)练习将强弱阅读者配对,轮流阅读,重新阅读和重读。4.静默阅读(Silent Reading):对于额外的脚手架学习,可以带...
readingfluencystudentsaloudreutzelread ReadingFluency(InterventionStrategies)I.OralRecitationLesson(ORL)StrategiesforReadingAssessmentandInstruction(ReutzelandCooterpg.85)A.DirectInstruction1.Comprehensiona)Teacherreadsstoryaloudandleadsstudentsthroughananalysisofstory’scontent,whichleadstoasummary.2.Practice(toimproveora...
内容提示: Reading Fluency (Intervention Strategies) I. Oral Recitation Lesson (ORL) Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction (Reutzel and Cooter pg. 85) A. Direct Instruction 1. Comprehension a) Teacher reads story aloud and leads students through an analysis of story’s content, which ...
This study examines the extent to which the mediating effects of reading fluency, strategies or prior knowledge change the relationship between intrinsic motivation and reading comprehension in those both with and without LD. Participants of the research were 226 Turkish secondary school students, 113 ...
Evidence-based strategies for reading fluency instruction The Fluency Development Lesson: A proven approach to teaching fluency The Fluency Development Lesson: Closing the Reading Gap Every educator has heard the phrase “Practice makes perfect.” But as Vince Lombardi famously said, “Practice does...
建议搭配 The Reading Strategies 那本书一起读会跟全面。 ★ 口袋宇宙超级会员在平台搜索【阅读策略】还可以学习更多内容: 视频2. 如何进行全面的阅读测评 视频名称:02 Benchmark Assessment Overview and Oral Running Records Demonstration ///...