阅读中(During Reading ):孩子们要先读完规定的段落或章节。 在阅读的过程中,有目的的设置一些问题,可以帮助学生更好的理解原文。比如,提问学生作者的某个措辞有着怎样的用意,帮助孩子分析故事线索,鼓励孩子利用一些策略(strategy)反复阅读、思考。 阅读后(After Reading):读完文章就万事大吉了吗?这个时候要“追在屁...
READING STRATEGIES BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER READINGdoi:10.35120/KKIJ30051107HAdrijana Hadzi-NikolovaNina DaskalovskaMarica Tasevska
graduate school, he served as deputy president of the university's memory club, during which time he improved the training methods and five more students won awards in the World Memory Championships. has also established...
In this way, you can check yourcomprehension of what you have read.Increase Your Reading SpeedBefore ReadingDuring ReadingAfter ReadingRead for the key information.Check your comprehension.Learning how to read is more than just reading the words !The more you read, the better you'll get at ...
Researchers have also found that when adult readers are asked to "think aloud" as they read, they employ a wide variety of comprehension strategies, including asking and answering questions before, during, and after reading (Pressley and Afflerbach 1995). Proficient adult readers: ...
However, if there is one thing that distinguishes academic reading from other types of reading, it is the way your brain operates before, during and after the reading: above all, as we shall see, academic reading is active reading. 什么是学术...
During our leisure time, there’s nothing we like more than to sit back with the rest of the crew and watch our remarkable planet go by, taking pictures for our family and friends back home. As the space station travels at a speed of about 17,500 miles per hour, we get to see the...
Part Two 阅读中(During Reading ):通常,孩子们要先读完规定的段落或章节。在阅读的过程中,有目的的设置一些问题,帮助学生更好的理解原文。比如,提问学生作者的某个措辞有着怎样的用意,帮助孩子分析故事线索,鼓励孩子利用一些策略(strategy)反复阅读、思考。Part Three 阅读后(After Reading) :孩子读完故事...
We investigated how parent-child interactions during and after book reading are related to narrative skills among prekindergarten-aged children. We addressed this question by using a nationally representative sample in the U.S., the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study - Birth Cohort (ECLS-B; unweighte...
Knowing that a novel is set during the second world war is often a turn-off for me. There are so many brilliant (and not so brilliant) stories set during this period that it seems to me that a book has to work doubly hard to make something powerful out of subject matter that has be...