根据前面提到的,Adrian 在文学作品中 Craft and Structure 中表现比较薄弱,那么 Craft and Structure 具体包含哪方面?以及怎么提高呢?这就需要家长仔细阅读 Suggested Skills 中的具体内容,并在孩子阅读过程中多多关注此方面的内容。 相信,大家在认真阅读之后,一定会发现:如果只是单纯地关注 AR 值,那么就无法客观地了解...
Foundational Skills:Phonics and Word Recognition /基础技能:拼读与字词识别; Literature:Key idea and details /文本:主要信息与文本细节); Information Text:Key idea and details ;Craft and Structure;Intergration of Knowledge and Ideas /信息内容:主要信息与文本细节;文章结构;信息整合 指导性报告 Instructional ...
Based on the Degrees of Reading Power assessment given to DHH first year students prior entering community college (N = 409 participants), DHH readers would benefit from instruction in three important areas of reading comprehension: key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of ...
3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Craft and Structure 4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word ...
Craft and Structure Point of View Structure of Literary Text Word Meaning Connotation Author’s Word Choice and Figurative Language Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Modes of Representation Analysis and Comparison Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity ...
Encourage students to look at the craft and structure of the text as well as to begin thinking about how the ideas in the text connect to each other, or to other things. Say: "Let's talk about what you noticed in the article about how it says what it says. I know that it's ...
centralideasorthemesofatextandanalyzetheirdevelopment;summarizethekey supportingdetailsandideas. 3.Analyzehowandwhyindividuals,events,andideasdevelopandinteractoverthecourseofa text. CraftandStructure 4.Interpretwordsandphrasesastheyareusedinatext,includingdeterminingtechnical, connotative,andfigurativemeanings,and...
Button that will Show AND Hide a text box Button_Click event fires multiple times button.Enabled = false not working Byte array sum Byte Array to a Structure Byte array to excel workbook Byte array to string byte image convert to image , parameter is not valid error BYTE Swap Endianness byt...
-Traditionandinheritance 2.CraftsmanshipInheritance -Familyinheritance -Apprenticeship 3.CharacteristicsofHandcraftedProducts -Chineseporcelain -Indianembroidery -Frenchperfume 4.ArticleStructure -Introduction -Body -Conclusion 5.Author'sViewpoint -Protectionandinheritanceofcraftculture 6.Cross-culturalCommunication -...
as one of the most esteemed mid-century “author’s authors,” placed Stowe in the “highest rank of novelists” (as she put it in a review in 1856 [p. 572]) because she thought Stowe’s ability to produce emotional empathy between the races was more important than questions of craft....