Printable free reading passages with comprehension and vocabulary questions help young readers learn to read. Fiction and non-fiction texts from 1st through 6th grades.
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Reading comprehension worksheets. We have five different types in this set of reading comprehension worksheets that are perfect for early readers like kindergarten or first grade.
Reading Comprehension Worksheets–Kindergarten and Beyond For the youngest learners, like those in kindergarten and first grade, easy reading comprehension worksheets and fun story-based tests help in building a solid foundation in reading. As students progress to 2nd grade and 3rd grade reading compreh...
Products Freebies Worksheets Bundles Learning Mats Subjects Colors Consonant Blends CVC Fluency Foundational Skills Games Handwriting Homework Language / Grammar Learning Mats Lifeskills Phonics Reading Reading Comprehension Resources Sight Words Test Prep Vocabulary Vowels Word Families Writing Grade Level ...
Reading Comprehension Worksheets Reading Comprehension Worksheet - My house 76,701 Visits This reading comprehension worksheet tells a simple story about a house. The short story describes different things about the house and they people that live there. Kids are asked to read the story and then to...
2nd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets 36 Worksheets This 36 week second grade worksheet program for reading comprehension provides passages and questions that are grade appropriate, but can be used with additional grades. 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets ...
These reading comprehension worksheets let you practice intermediate-level English reading skills. Check how well you understand the author’s main points and vocabulary-- and your mastery of other key skills. They're all important for university study or tests like the IELTS or TOEFL....
Mood WorksheetsStudents often confuse tone with mood. These are very similar reading skills, but they are not the same. Tone is the author's attitude toward his or her subject. Mood is the feeling that the author is trying to create in the mind of readers. Both tone and mood deal with...
Looking for reading comprehension worksheets for middle & high school to improve your reading skills? Visit Reading care to register now for reading comprehension worksheets!