This page has a 6th grade level reading comprehension articles, stories, and poems. Each passage has reading comprehension questions and a vocabulary activity.
PART II READING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 11.[A]该题为细节理解题。答案为A。文章的第1,2段引出了对plagiarism的讨论,第1段是一个例子, 说明人们倾向于记住一个消息的内容而忘记其来源,因此当人们再次谈到这个消息时,往往会忘记从哪 里得到这个消息。因此人们会不自觉地引用听到过的信息...
Ⅱ. Reading comprehension Answer the following questions according to your understanding of the passage.1. How many years did the Cannes film festival originate?2. Does it represent one of the most and awaited film awards?3. What is the most prestigious prize of the ceremony?4. Why cannot th...
Got questions? We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us. Contact us How do you tutor someone in reading? What activities improve reading comprehension?
单元目标速览 Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking—Reading comprehension Step One:Pre-reading Look at the four pictures and think about the two questions below. 1.What do you think of when you see the photos? ___ 答案:corals,fish,sea voyages,sea exploitation,sea protection,the development ...
Specifically, this systematic review seeks to address the following research questions: RQ 1: Which are the relations between language (foundational and upper-level) skills in L1 and/or L2 and L2-English reading comprehension skills in 11-to-19 year EFL secondary school students with different ...
Ⅱ. Reading comprehension Answer the following questions according to your understanding of the passage.1. What did Verne's father want him to be?2. What gave Verne the courage to write more stories?3. What did Verne's writing describe?4. Who adapted 20,000 Leagues Uuder the Se a into...
Word Family Stories for Reading Comprehension... $9.99 Challenging enough for a first grader Reviewed By:Erika (Tulsa, OK) My child just finished first grade, I got this book for summer work. She really enjoys reading these interesting and fun stories. It also comes with some "bubble the ...
©SchoastcTeachngResourcesScholasticSuccessWithReadingComprehension•Grade35 Page5 1.AlexanderGrahamBell; 2.teacherofthedeaf;3.“Mr. Watson,comehere!Iwantyou!”; 4.Mr.Bell’sassistant;5.Bell demonstratedittomanypeople. NameFindingthemainidea anddetails TheMilkyWay Themainideaofastorylswhatthestoryis...