Similarly with reading if you can hear what it is you're trying to read, you have a little bit of momentum going into the reading.阅读也是一样,如果你能听到你想读的内容,你就会有一点动力进入阅读。So I always combine audio with text.所以我总是将音频和文本结合起来使用。I certainly in an ...
V. Reading comprehension(阅读解):Miss Williams: This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. Here you are, Billy.Billy: Thank you, Miss Williams.Tom: What is it, Billy?Billy: It's a box of chocolates.Sandy: How many chocolates are there? Count them, Billy.Billy: One, two, three, four...
( )2. Reading comprehension. (阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)Hello, my name is Sarah. This is my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bike. There is a clock on the wall. And there is a photo on the wall, too. On the desk, there is a ...
Beabletoperceiveandunderstandthecausalrelationshipanditsrichconnotationinthetext,soastoimprovereadingcomprehensionability. Beabletomakefulluseofrelevantpicturesandtextinformationtopredictwhattolistento. Emotionalobjectives: TointroduceChinesefoodcultureinEnglish,suchasthemaincuisinesandtheircharacteristics. Thinkingqualityobjec...
UNIT 1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS 单元目标速览 Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking —Reading comprehension 课时精练语篇理解语篇全解内容索引语篇理解 索引 Step One:Pre-reading 1.Discuss the following stages of scientific research in groups and put them in correct order. A.analyze the results B.ask a questi...
In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world, critically to inquire into it; carefully to think over it; clearly to sift(详察) it; and earnestly to carry it out.It matters...
Part 3V. Reading comprehension()What is i bout France that makes it so special? One rea A. Choose the best answer(根短内 ,选 )rest peope fty to face is beause of its location. It is loca Westem trope an d is sruande d by (一环绕 ) cih couas iacheding Germany, Switrerland,...
【题目】 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) D.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):What is the I
最后,教师总结本节课的重难点,如:“Today,wefocusedonreadingcomprehensionskillsandunderstandingtheculturalcontextofancientcivilizations.Remembertoapplythereadingstrategieswediscussedtoimproveyourreadingability.”(今天,我们重点学习了阅读理解技巧和理解古代文明的文化背景。记住应用我们讨论的阅读技巧来提高你的阅读能力。) ...
How Is Reading Comprehension Taught? Educators and people with young children who are just entering the school system are likely familiar with the question,"What are the four types of reading?"The four main types of reading are skimming, scanning, intensive and extensive. ...