Vocabulary Practice: 这部分直接按教材做题就可以,既可以放在阅读文章(Reading Comprehension环节)之后来做,也可以放在阅读文章之前。放在阅读之前做,可以提前熟悉不会的单词;放在阅读之后做,可以在孩子通过原文猜测词义后给出更明确的用法。 单独找一个本子记录做错和不理解的单词,具体参见下面“单词听写和复习”。 这里...
除此之外,我还会根据学生的水平,补充相关的单词。每次上课结束后,我们都会通过Quizlet里的单词竞赛游戏进行复习巩固。 图5来自RE1-Unusual Jobs Step 3 - Reading comprehension - 阅读理解/做题 这一部分属于对文章的精读。每一次精读后都...
教材)!”下面就让我们看看这套大名鼎鼎的教材好在哪里,到底怎么用。1. Reading Explorer 总述 1.1 Reading Explorer 到底好在哪里 首先,这是一套让人脑洞大开的教材,有一种坐在家中环游世界的感觉,看下面的图是Level 2 的部分话题展示,相比分级读物的nonfiction内容更加精萃和引人入胜。
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Successful reading experiences occur when: a) the reader understands what he reads b) the reader finds it enjoyable, entertaining, informative, or though provoking. c) the reader understands the reading act as a means to a larger g
DIGITAL learningENGLISH as a foreign languageENGLISH languageCOLLABORATIVE learningCOLLEGE majorsThis study considered how digital collaboration can improve English majors' Reading Comprehension (RC) and Vocabulary Learning (VL). It employed tests and semi-structured interviews to investigate ...
-词汇学习工具:使用在线词汇学习工具或应用程序,如Quizlet、Anki等,帮助学生记忆和复习课文中的新词汇。 -视频资源:寻找与课文内容相关的视频,如TED演讲、文化交流纪录片等,以视觉和听觉的形式丰富学生的学习体验。 -文化背景资料:提供关于文章中提到的不同国家和文化的背景资料,帮助学生更好地理解课文内容。
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含A teacher reviews the following student scores on a standardized reading test with the goal of determining the areas in which the student will require additional instruction. 75th percentile in vocabulary knowledge 85th percentile
quizlet.com|基于 1 个网页 2. 看杂志 出国英语,... ... ⊙97.看报纸 Reading Newspapers ⊙98.看杂志Reading Magazines⊙99.听无线电广播 Listening Radio Br… www.haotushu.com|基于 1 个网页 例句
Sports Reading Comprehension is designed for students looking for an advantage in solidifying their reading and understanding skills: • This collection of 10 original sports stories was written specifically for this app • Read and test your comprehension with a variety of questions about the selec...
2) Gestures: must be repeated in the beginning to make sure students understand and also do comprehension checking, not applicable in a short class; 3) First-language: easiest and causes no confusion, not applicable for very young learners or students whose first languages are not the same. ...