In the current study, the generalizability of SVR and the role of executive functions in reading comprehension are evaluated through the participation of a less researched population, bilingual Filipino learners ages 9 to 14 who have learned Filipino and English at home and in school. The study ...
In the Philippines, reading comprehension among learners is problematic. The Pro- gramme for International Student Assessment (PISA) on 600,000 15-year-old students in 79 countries showed that Filipino learners ranked the lowest in reading, having an aver- age reading score of 340. The result ...
九、Reading Comprehension (Comprehension)(共15小题,共15.0分)In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two...
The deteriorating performance of Filipino students in the national and international mathematics tests for the last decade has become a major challenge to Philippine education. The Department of Education attributed this problem to students' poor reading comprehension. Previous studies showed varied findings...
【题目】Reading Comprehension Directions : Re a d the following three passage s . Each passage is followe d by several questio ns or unfinishe d statements . For each of the m there are four choices marke d A, B, C and D . Choose the one that fits best according to the ...
One instance to prove this was the result of the National Achievement Test (NAT) in 2012, which showed that Grade 3 students got a Mean Percentage Score of 54.42% in English Reading Comprehension (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2015). The data suggest that young Filipino learners find it...
Exploring emergent literacy behaviors of Filipino deaf children. The Asia Pacific-Education Researcher, 16(1), 101–110. Article Google Scholar Canon, F.K.V. (2008). Developing reading comprehension of hard of hearing children using the I-HEAR program ...
C. (2015). Reading anxiety and comprehension of grade 8 Filipino learners. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 44–59. Google Scholar *Hann, F. (2018). The effect of choice on reading anxiety, reading autonomy, reading interest, reading self-efficacy, and reading ...
Ask them to summarize the plot and describe their favorite characters — this helps build general comprehension skills. If there’s a book tie-in, provide it so your child can continue exploring the author’s universe after screen time is over. “If a book has been turned i...
Aloud Banquet is NOT meant as a replacement for the reading of other books, including picture books. Nor is it meant as a substitute for participating in whole family read aloud time. Young children gain more than you might imagine from listening to books well above their comprehension ...