IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) In the IELTS Reading section, multiple-choice questions require you to select the correct answer from a list of options. These questions assess your understanding of specific details and overall comprehension of the passage. Tips for Multiple Choice Quest...
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Test Reading Comprehension and MCQs
physics, etc.), for counterbalancing possible bias caused by participants’ previous knowledge. To assess passage comprehension accuracy, we designed two multiple choice questions (MCQs) for each passage, one text-based and one inferential45. The former was conceptually simple and only required shallo...
Here, we used questions relating to clinical case studies that tested the participant´s application of knowledge, as opposed to the comprehension or interpretation of concepts and principles tested elsewhere. Moreover, the sample size in our group did not had the sufficient power to detect a ...
and understanding were presented in sequence, followed by two MCQs (one text-based; the other inferential) testing passage comprehension accuracy. As the metacognition questions were about passage reading, they were presented right after the passages to avoid possible confusion of the participants. To...