Free Advanced reading exercises. True/false and multiple choice. Improve your reading comprehension and different reading skills.
Reading comprehension exercises — online, free, & adaptive. Fits K-12, ESL and adult students. Easily track progress for the entire class.
Looking for reading comprehension worksheets for middle & high school to improve your reading skills? Visit Reading care to register now for reading comprehension worksheets!
Free Intermediate reading exercises. Improve your reading comprehension and practise reading skills such as skimming and scanning.
Level 1: Beginning and intermediate readers will think about word meanings and proper sequencing of thoughts through beginning reading comprehension exercises. This program includes on-demand audio to aide early readers. This critical thinking program is good for young students as well as adults who ...
A selection of Spanish reading comprehension exercises and quizzes. These Interpretive Reading resources provide students the ability to interpret information, concepts, and ideas from a variety of culturally authentic sources on a variety of topics. ...
Accuplacer Reading Comprehension – Exercises & Tips The Accuplacer reading comprehension practice tests on this page are up-to-date for the new exam. Free Accuplacer Online Reading Test More Reading Practice Accuplacer Reading Comprehension – Part 1 (Informational Text) ...
Chinese news portals for better reading comprehension Level: Advanced Topic: Reading Type: Resource collection Chinese news provides a never-ending source of reading material, and provided that you are interested and maybe also know about the topic in advance, it can be manageable without near-nativ...
Business English reading comprehension section. Click on any of the exercises below to test your comprehension of modern Business English, as used in current media. The topics are fairly diverse, spanning a wide variety of terminology. These exercises are intended for students whose level is Interme...
Free Elementary reading exercises. Improve your reading comprehension and practise different elementary reading skills.