Many printable reading logs and journal templates already come with a lot of these useful features, to help make reading as fun as possible for kids. There are some aspects of a reading log that are necessary to track reading accurately and to support kids’ reading skills in the best way,...
But reading trackers come in many different forms. There are apps you can use, plenty of printables and bullet journal spreads, spreadsheets, and pretty much any other method you can dream up. Some methods are better than others, though, so today we’re going to talk about a few o...
(a personal favorite of mine) this free printablereading journal by Modern Mrs Darcy ABullet Journal® The Bullet Journal® is probably the most popular option among journalers. It’s on the DIY side, but it’s very useful if you don’t need pages and pages for books review. You can...
Then I started a bullet journal. Somehow, SOMEHOW, I’ve kept that going and am even getting my second journal set up for when the first fills in a few weeks. (Yay!) When I looked through the reading journal again, I found that I used a couple parts more readily than others — the...
No matter how you choose to use the 2021 Reading Log printable, I hope it’ll make this coming year of reading one of your best yet. I can’t wait to see you use this! You can sign up to get a copy of it here and it’ll come right to your inbox. ...
瓦妹「再次提筆」寫子彈筆記的原因、經驗和學到的事情。我曾經寫過半年的子彈筆記,最終因懶惰而放棄, 但今年我遇上了人生的轉折點,讓我再次提筆,決定從「心」出發!
Not all reading material is suitable for Skimming. Novels, poetry, and short stories or texts that do not have features such as tables, headings, bullet points, or boldface type are not suited to Skimming. Readers that have thesefeatures are non-fiction texts, essays, and journal articles and...