The main reason for this policy is the use of nails, tacks, and tape in the conference room walls to hang decorations for last week’s party. These temporary decoration caused damage to the paint and walls of the conference room, which is used for client meetings. The repairs took most o...
2.Playthetapeforindividualstorepeatonce. Step6Practice 1.Learnthenewwordstogether,thengetindividualstomatchthewordswiththeirmeanings,checkasawholeclass. 2.Page80PartD:Learnmoreaboutfiresafetyandtrytoaddothersafewaysaboutusingfire. Step6Production 1.Finishofftheconversation. 2.TalkingaboutZhangHua SsfindoutDa...
Answer explanation:In the reference paragraph you can find the information that“characters usually appear in white with a thin black border for easy reading against a white or light background. We can also use different colours for each speaker when subtitling for the hearing impaired.”A border...
A.learnB.tolearnC.learnedD.learning ;2.matchvt.(1)与……相配(=gowith) (2)在……方面与……匹敌;势均力敌 n.比赛;火柴;相配物 ①Wemustfindcarpetsthatwillmatchthecurtains.我们必须寻找可以和这些窗帘搭配的地毯。 ②Noonecanmatchhiminsinging. 在唱歌方面没有人能和他相匹敌。 本周五将有一场足球...