I’m starting to have a glint of understanding. Alcohol is called “spirits” for a reason. Alcoholics often describe themselves as having a God-sized hole in their soul, Into which they pour booze. And for me, I know now I had a Spiritual problem that needed a Spiritual solution. With...
GREP1 expression in the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia is indicated in transcripts per million (TPM) b) A scatter plot showing lineage-specific correlation between cell viability and GREP1 mRNA expression on the X axis with the average GREP1 expression level on the Y axis. c, Overall survival ...
Purim commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman whose genocidal plot was foiled by Esther and Mordecai as recounted in the events of the book. During the festival’s celebration, the Megillah of Esther (megillah meaning “scroll”) is read aloud. The story is set in the ...
In the “Attempt at a Self-Criticism” he takes on German music that he celebrated in the Birth of Tragedy. He attacks those (I believe he is referring to Wagner here) “who honor lack of clarity as a virtue for it has the double quality of a narcotic that both intoxicates and spread...
may code for both a large and one or more small proteins translated from annotated coding sequences (CDSs) and unannotated alternative open reading frames (named alternative ORFs or altORFs), respectively, but the stoichiometry between large and small proteins translated from a same gene is ...
The projection is a representation of highly consistent interactions (>80% occupancy) on the protein 3D structure. The plot shows residues participating in hydrogen bonds, π-πand salt bridges interactions in red, green and blue colour respectively. It also shows the chain of ...
J. Clery offers little more than a plot summary of The Old English Baron. It is not clear if anything beyond Reeve’s own womanhood qualifies her book for inclusion in Clery’s canon of Female Gothic. However, neither has this (undisputed) womanhood been enough to earn her much mention ...
I de- velop an attachment genealogy of Queer and Transgender Studies that reconsiders essentialism—the kind both practiced by Female Gothic studies and also central to the logic of Reeve's plot—as a fantasy that helps us distinguish where a trans reading can depart from a queer one, suggesti...