I really want to share this success story with you because it’s an inspirational example of Real People Getting Real Results! E-mail that I received from Rick Watkins June 10, 2012 I’ve always been active beginning with high school gymnastics and wrestling, college wrestling and martial arts...
Wodehouse (1925) – Wodehouse is always fun and for me the best Jeeves books are the short story collections (like this) rather than the later novels. A short story is just the right length for Bertie and his friends to get into trouble and for Jeeves, often with the advantage of a we...
All of this suggests a compelling story: logic describes theories via algebraic syntax. Equipping these theories with various forms of structural operations produces categories of one sort or another, in the form of fibrations. The intuition is that types are spaces, and contexts arealsospaces. And...
All of this suggests a compelling story: logic describes theories via algebraic syntax. Equipping these theories with various forms of structural operations produces categories of one sort or another, in the form of fibrations. The intuition is that types are spaces, and contexts arealsospaces. And...
A short story is just the right length for Bertie and his friends to get into trouble and for Jeeves, often with the advantage of a well-placed-but-previously-unheard-of extended family member, to get them out of it. Delightful stuff, no matter how many times you reread it. Emil and...
Jackson Parrish and Daisy Ann Briscoe all have pivotal roles and their own chapters/point of views. This approach connects the readers with the individual characters. Since the characters all have human flaws, misdirection by Constantine keeps the reader guessing as to how the story will unravel....
Many times I found myself speed-reading through just to get to the conclusion, because I was invested in their story. Thankfully, the conclusion picked things up quite a bit and I thought the novel had a very satisfying ending. It was maybe a little sentimental, but it did feel right...
will be left out. And it is not necessarily a matter of their turning to crime, although the rule that if you don’t want to invest in schools you’ll have to invest in prisons is inexorable. It will affect girls, for example: if they can read and write a bit (so the story goes...
The story of the Bible is the history of God leading His people through the wilderness. The clearest illustration of this is found in the books of Moses and the records of the Hebrew nation and their road to the promised land. It proved to God’s people He would be their leader in the...
Why are these people in Paradise? What do they have to gain from framing his officer? Yes, certain elements of this story stretch credulity a bit — but in context it absolutely works. And while I say something stretches credulity, I can’t help but wonder if it really does. The actions...