日志信息 OPSA/6/OPS_TERMINAL_READ_USERINPUT: Script is [script-name], current event is [event-name], instance is [instance-id], waits for user input from terminal [vty], user inputs some string. 日志含义 用户脚本从终端读取用户输入成功。 日志参数 可能原因 用户脚本从终端读取用户输入成功。
Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.dll Gets a localized string similar to Failed to read user settings.. C# publicstaticstringFAILED_TO_READ_USER_SETTINGS {get; } Property Value String Applies to 產品版本 Dynamics 365 Unified Service Desk3.0 本文內容 D...
"id":"<Unique User ID>", "type":"<User Type>", "data":{ "<Metadata Field>":<Value>, ... }, "custom_data":{ "<Custom Data Field>":<Value>, ... }, "identities":[ { "id":<Unique Identity ID>, "provider_type":"<Authentication Provider>", ...
【标题描述】【openEuler 20.03 LTS SP1/arm】arm环境bpf_probe_read_user接口失败,错误码为14【环境信息】硬件信息:1) 裸机场景提供出问题的硬件信...
Hi folks, I'm running BCC on Android 11, Kernel 4.14, ARM64 and bpf_probe_read_user returns an error (-14). As a result opensnoop returns an empty filename string. I'm aware of #2253 and implemented the solution that supposedly should fi...
此接口返回的【int_page_from_other_read_user 其他场景阅读人数】,这个字段与【公众号后台-内容分析-群发分析-单篇群发-详情-数据趋势】中的其他渠道的数值对应不上,请问其他渠道的数值是对应int_page_from_other_read_user字段吗,还是对应其他字段?
ReadUserAsync(String, RequestOptions) User以异步操作的形式从 Azure Cosmos DB 服务读取 。 ReadUserAsync(Uri, RequestOptions) User以异步操作的形式从 Azure Cosmos DB 服务读取 。 ReadUserAsync(String, RequestOptions) User以异步操作的形式从 Azure Cosmos DB 服务读取 。 C# 复制 public ...
使用auth0时,无法访问作用域read:current_user是因为作用域配置不正确或者用户没有被授予该作用域的访问权限。 Auth0是一个身份验证和授权平台,用于帮助开发人员简化身份验证和授权的过程。它提供了一套强大的工具和API,使开发人员能够轻松地集成身份验证和授权功能到他们的应用程序中。
Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Client.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos v3.45.0 Source: User.cs Reads a UserProperties from the Azure Cosmos service as an asynchronous operation. C# Copy public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.UserResponse> ReadAsync (Microsoft.Azur...
This section describes how to create a read-only user for a GeminiDB Mongo instance.A user group is a collection of users. With IAM, you can create users, add them to a s