我们通常会给从库设置只读, 一般是设置read_only=ON即可, 那么这个只读限定了哪些只读呢? super_read_only,transaction_read_only/tx_read_only, innodb_read_only 又是限定啥的呢? super_read_only 当设置super_read_only=ON的时候, 会自动设置read_only=ON 比read_only多限制了有super权限的账号. 真正的只...
1、read_only参数和super_read_only参数默认都是关闭的,read_only参数设置为on的情况下,会组织客户端的更新,但是如果一个账号拥有super权限,那么还是可以进行更新的。而super_read_only会阻止所有的客户端更新,即使客户端拥有super权限也不可以。 2、设置super_read_only参数为on会默认联动的设置read_only为on 3、...
查阅官方bug信息https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=104573 ,发现有类似的从库undo表空间长时间处于清理状态,该问题是由参数 super_read_only =ON 触发的。 1. 2. 3. 问题解决: 重启有undo_*_trunc.log的从节点mysqld,重启后undo_*_trunc.log文件消失。 修改参数减少undo的truncate操作。 set persist inno...
a study show that young children who read only on a study shows that young children who read only on 这个句子不完整,如果意思是"一项研究表明,只读电子书的儿童",那么正确的英文表达应该是: A study shows that young children who only read e-books....
ReadOnly仅影响单元格是否可编辑;它并不影响用户是否可以删除行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Avoidusingconstonread-onlyvariables.Forthat,usethereadonlydirective. 只读的变量不要定义为const,使用readonly关键字。 www.cnblogs.com 1 2 3 4
QEMU on Proxmox cluster.yml file: cluster_name: pokedex ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_desktop nodes: - address: bulbasaur.lan user: core role: - etcd - controlplane - worker - address: charmander.lan user: core role: - etcd - controlplane - worker - address: squirtle.lan user: core role...
Code Sample # Your code here import pandas as pd import numpy as np times = np.array([np.datetime64('2012-02-15T12:00:00.000000000')]) times.setflags(write=False) [d for d in pd.to_datetime(times)] Problem description The above code rais...
Assume that you publish a Microsoft Access 2013 web app on a public Microsoft SharePoint 2013 site. When you try to access the app without being signed in to SharePoint, the app opens in read-only mode. Specifically, the menu bar buttons are disabled, and you cannot add, edit...
I shall follow this topic. Thanks for the interest in the post. I should have also stated that I am running Windows 10 on my laptop, and the Lookup Column displays correctly on this machine. It does NOT show the data on the iOS version of the SharePoint mobile app. ...
?onUpgrage() 方法,它需要三个参数,一个 SQLiteDatabase 对象,一个旧的版本号和一个新的版本号,这样你就可以清楚如何把一个数据库从旧的模型转变到新的模型。下面示例代码展示了如何继承 SQLiteOpenHelper 创建数据库:代码如下 复制代码 public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { Data...