ERROR cc:268 Invalid short-circuit reads configuration:- Impala cannotreador execute the parent directory of dfs.domain.socket.pathERROR cc:271 Aborting Impala Server startup due to improper configuration. Impalad exiting. 回到顶部 解决方法: 1、去HDFS中找到dfs.domain.socket.path配置 2、找到报错的...
def redis(start_time=0,end_time=0,fields=None): import redis import json client...
针对你的问题“impala cannot read or execute the parent directory of dfs.domain.socket.path”,我按照提供的提示进行了详细的分析和建议,以下是分点回答: 确认dfs.domain.socket.path的配置值: 首先,你需要检查Impala的配置文件(通常是impala-site.xml),确认dfs.domain.socket.path的配置值。这个配置项指定了Imp...
原因分析 当查询时有部分数据块不是本地优先读取,而是通过网络传输,这样就会带来性能损耗,因为数据改成了2副本的,而正好该查询或者插入存放数据的节点不是Impala的executor节点,所以数据是通过网络传输的
The Impala can be up to 70 kg and have quite impressive horns. It is widespread in many African countries and can also be hunted in many countries.
.makeWorkers( at pt.haslab.htapbench.core.HTAPBench.runHybridWorkload( Caused by: [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500151) Error setting/closing session: Read timed ...
在Impala的HDFS_SCAN_NODE中有一个counter,叫AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency,其相关解释如下所示: 简单理解为,这个值越高,那么同时参与hdfsscan的线程就会越多,在一定程度上,扫描就会更快;如果这个值比较小,那么就有可能是当前的查询比较多,导致线程被其他scan node给占用了。本文就结合代码来跟大家一起学习下,这个...
impalad_args='--iceberg_always_allow_merge_on_read_operations=true') @pytest.mark.execute_serially def test_enable_merge_on_read(self, unique_database): """If the flag is enabled, Impala can execute DELETE, UPDATE and MERGE operations even if the table property is 'copy-on-write'."""...
Affects Versions: Impala 1.4.2 Reporter: Andrew Sherman Assignee: Andrew Sherman The file is displayed on the github home page [] Change this so that the opening line mentions “data stored in open data ...
Quanlong Huang resolved IMPALA-8778. --- Fix Version/s: Impala 3.4.0 Resolution: Implemented > Support read Apache Hudi Read Optimized tables > --- > > Key: IMPALA-8778 > URL:> Project: IMPALA > Issue Type: New Feature > Reporter: Yuan...