read_gml(path, label='label', destringizer=None) 从path 以GML 格式读取图形。 参数: path:文件名或文件句柄 要读取的文件名或文件句柄。 label:字符串,可选 如果不是 None,则解析的节点将根据 label 指示的节点属性重命名。默认值:‘label’。 destringizer:可调用的,可选的 一个destringizer,用于恢复在...
# 需要導入模塊: import networkx [as 別名]# 或者: from networkx importread_gml[as 別名]defread_graph(self, subgraph_file=None):ifsubgraph_fileisNone: subraph_file = self.context_graph_file"Writing graph.")# write the graph outfile_format = subgraph_file.split(".")[-1]if...
read_gml(path, label='label', destringizer=None) 从读取GML格式的图形 path . 参数 path ( 文件名或文件句柄 )--要读取的文件名或文件句柄。 标…
#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-import osimport shutil# 创建的目录root_path = "D...
我已经尝试了来自多路复用软件包的read.gml函数,并获得以下错误: read.gml("A.ES.SDGC.BU.03001.building.gml") Error in which(("node" == arx) == TRUE)[1]:which(("edge" == arx) == TRUE)[1] : NA/NaN argument 然后,我尝试了read.graph中的igraph软件包,也出现了一个错误: read.graph("...
GmlReadOptions interface Referencia Comentarios Paquete: azure-maps-spatial-io Opciones que personalizan cómo se leen y analizan los archivos GML. Extends BaseSpatialXmlReadOptions Propiedades Expandir tabla isAxisOrderLonLat Si lee un archivo GML, especifica si la información de coordenadas ...
write_gml(G, path, stringizer=None) 写图表 G 文件或文件句柄的GML格式 path . 参数 G ( NETWorkX图 )--要转换为GML的图形。 path ( 文件名或文…
方法名:readFeatureCollectionStream GMLStreamReader.readFeatureCollectionStream介绍 [英]Returns a StreamFeatureCollection that allows stream-based access to the members of the feature collection that the cursor of the givenXMLStreamReaderpoints at.
> </gml:MultiGeometry> > > code: > var gml = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3(); > var features =; > > > Apparently this is parsed correctly by Format.XML, but i never get a list of > features from the read () function. ...
>>; >> >> >> Apparently this is parsed correctly by Format.XML, but i never get a list >> of features from the read () function. >> >> Is it possible? How? >> >> Regards, Huub >> ___ >> Users mailing list >> >>http://lists...