在esp32s3-ai-chat文件夹下主要包含下面几个模块: **example:**这个里面放的是各个功能测试模块的arduino工程,比如测试音频采集和播放的测试,wifi连接测试,sd卡的读写测试等。 **library:**这个里面放的是arduino的库文件,主要为该项目用到的库文件。比如自己训练的唤醒词库,base64编码库等。 **pcb:**这个里...
Password Managers1Password - 使用了很多年的密码管理软件。 Bitwarden - 开源密码管理软件。 Elpass - Surge 作者出的密码管理软件。 Enpass - 密码管理软件。 gopass - 命令行下的密码管理工具。 KeePass KeyPass - 密码管理软件,Windows 平台下一直在用,至今在 macOS 下找不到替代品的神器。但是官方已 停止...
WiFi.Authentication.WPA);To generate a QR code from this payload, just call the "ToString()"-method and pass it to the QRCoder.//[...] QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(wifiPayload.ToString(), QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q); //[...]...
(); } connectToWifiSSIDFromFlash(); } } // 从 SPIFFS 文件中读取 WiFi 配置信息 void readCredentialsFromSPIFFS(char* ssid, char* password) { File configFile = SPIFFS.open(wifi_config_file, "r"); if (configFile) { // 读取 SSID 和密码 configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toCharArray(ssid...
A Quick Response code, more commonly known as a QR code, is a fast and easy way to share different types of information by scanning the code with a device. Your Android phone can get so much functionality out of this feature. You can share your WiFi password with others, or share your...
WiFi router models | AMD fixed a flaw that allowed to load malicious microcode | Coyote Banking Trojan targets Brazilian users, stealing data from 70+ financial apps and websites | Google fixed actively exploited kernel zero-day flaw | Web Skimmer found on at least 17 websites, including ...
- 32-bit Access password - 32-bit Kill password 6. Pre-programmed with a unique, unalterable 64-bit serial number (ideal for authentication) 7. User Memory can be Block Perma-Locked 8. User Memory can be Read Password protected in 64-bit blocks, ...
( i clean web memory and have las OS ) it not help , one month later start problem with wifi every time i need input password when i start tv ( not recognize network ) i was in shop Elgiganten but personal there cant help (John Öhberg ) its not professional anyway if someone ...
[VBNet] Designer code viewer? [Visual Basic] Generating the md5 hash of the user's original password? {"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." & vbCrLf & "Parameter name: index"} {Microsoft Access Driver] '(unknown)' is not a valid...
I have a win form, in this form have a grid , i want to have a export to excel data in grid by a button control, used the below code but when run my project i have an error with content "Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATA...