本文簡要介紹rust語言中 Function std::ptr::read_volatile 的用法。 用法 pub unsafe fn read_volatile<T>(src: *const T) -> T 對src 中的值執行易失性讀取而不移動它。這使src 中的內存保持不變。 易失性操作旨在作用於 I/O 內存,並保證編譯器不會在其他易失性操作中忽略或重新排序。 注意 Rust ...
Hi! I must read memory that is considered uninitialized by Rust. For that purpose I am using the core::ptr::read_volatile function. However, when running the program under miri it complains with the following error: $ cargo +nightly miri...
vm-memory CVE-2020-13759 issues/93 EAPI DR->UB volatile mem acc/ptr::write()$\to$write_volatile() andreeaflorescu-deps No rust-rgb CVE-2020-25016 issues/35 TRAIT UB using unsafe trait Plain to takeover unsoundness HeroicKatora No No - ...
A 45-nm single-port and dual-port SRAM family with robust read/write stabilizing circuitry under DVFS environment Power and performance of read-write aware hybrid caches with non-volatile memories
DragonOS中实现了与Linux相似的READ_ONCE()宏以及WRITE_ONCE()宏,主要目的在于解决并行计算场景下,编译器错误的优化导致的数据访问错误的问题。下面进行简单的介绍: 这两个宏主要是为了解决并行访问的问题的。编译器在优化代码的时候,会对一些操作进行重排序,或者删掉一些它认为无用的操作。这些优化在单线程的环境下...
file对应的inode信息到磁盘。整个open和close操作都是通过system call->vfs->ext4这
we use EEPROM. It stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. It is a non-volatile memory where data is written. Here, non-volatile means that the data won’t be lost as soon as the power supply is cut. Hence, data is written permanently and it won’t change unless...
volatile的实现原理 volatile和原子性、可见性和有序性之间的关系 有了symchronized为什么还需要volatile sleep 和 wait wait 和 notify notify 和 notifyAll ThreadLocal 写一个死锁的程序 写代码来解决生产者消费者问题 并发包 阅读源代码,并学会使用 Thread、Runnable、Callable、ReentrantLock、ReentrantReadWriteLock、...
volatile的实现原理 volatile和原子性、可见性和有序性之间的关系 有了symchronized为什么还需要volatile sleep 和 wait wait 和 notify notify 和 notifyAll ThreadLocal 写一个死锁的程序 写代码来解决生产者消费者问题 并发包 阅读源代码,并学会使用 Thread、Runnable、Callable、ReentrantLock、ReentrantReadWriteLock、...
In an era where software and services are deployed over the Internet, it is critical to be able to securely provision enclaves remotely, over the wire or air, to know with confidence that the secrets are protected and to be able to save secrets in non-volatile memory for future use. 0 ...