Well, the problem is quite trivial. But the thing is I am not able to read the input. The input is provided in the form of text lines and end of input is indicated by EOF. In C/C++ this can be done by running a while loop: while( scanf("%s",&s)!=EOF ) { //do something ...
t.read_until(expected,timeout=None) Reads data from the connection until it encounters stringexpected, or untiltimeoutseconds elapse whentimeoutis notNone. Returns whatever data is available at that time, or possibly the empty string ''. RaisesEOFErrorif the connection is closed and no data ...
简单说明: # ***obj.read(),obj.readline(),需要读取EOF字符或\n标志结束,会产生阻塞或溢出。*** # ***使用obj.read(int),不等待结束符,获取足够数量(不超过obj缓存胡数量)即返回。*** 代码2: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_string,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\ universal_newlines=True,\ stderr=subproce...
<str/bytes>=<file>.read(size=-1)# Reads 'size' chars/bytes or until EOF.<str/bytes>=<file>.readline()# Returns a line or empty string on EOF.<list>=<file>.readlines()# Returns a list of lines or empty list.<str/bytes>=next(<file>)# Returns a line using buffer. Do not mix...
我的目录是c:\……python310\Lib\site-packages\PyPDF2\generic.py 1)generic.py文件第488行原文 try:returnNameObject(name.decode('utf-8')) except(UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:#Name objects should represent irregular characters#with a '#' followed by the symbol's hex numberifnotpdf...
<errno.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h> char *buffer = malloc(buffer_size); ssize_t result = read_until_deliminator 浏览0提问于2019-01-17得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 jQuery从不返回-回调函数从不触发 、、 我的问题是,一旦发送了jQuery请求,它就再也不会返回,回调函数也再也不会被调用...
This happens because a RTSP client doesn't provide credentials until it is asked to. In order to receive the credentials, the authentication server must reply with status code 401 - the client will then send credentials. Encrypt the configuration The configuration file can be entirely encrypted fo...
在 python 中有一个 telnetlib,它的作用就是建立一个通到主机的 telnet连线实体, 然后向主机传送命令...
until(1) unzip(1) unzipsfx(1) update_rubygems(1) updatehome(1) uptime(1) uptime(1g) userattr(1) users(1) users(1B) uucp(1C) uudecode(1C) uuencode(1C) uuglist(1C) uulog(1C) uuname(1C) uupick(1C) uustat(1C) uuto(1C) uux(1C) uxterm(1) vacation(1) val(1) valda...
I realized that read_until doesn't wait timeout seconds! example output (value of r): "#" while I was expecting "config#" value of timeout is 20 PS. Python 2.4.1, Cygwin. -- Free Software - find interesting programs and change them NetHack - meet interesting creatures, kill them and...