java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: read_unknown_enum_values_using_default_value 这个错误通常表明 JVM 在运行时尝试访问或修改一个不存在于指定类或其超类中的字段。在这个具体的例子中,read_unknown_enum_values_using_default_value 字段看起来像是与序列化或反序列化枚举(Enum)时处理未知枚举值的方式相关,但这并不是...
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE 看起来,在类路径上有一个旧...
When querying an entity with an enum field that has been mapped with .HasConversion<string>() (or manually with an EnumToStringConverter<>), Entity Framework reads unknown values in the database as the default value of the enum. This fal...
object value) public static Task SaveAsByTemplateAsync(string path, byte[] templateBytes, object value) public static Task<DataTable> QueryAsDataTableAsync(string path, bool useHeaderRow = true, string sheetName = null, ExcelType excelType = ExcelType.UNKNOWN, string startCell = "A1", IConf...
var values = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>() { new Dictionary<string,object>{{ "Column1", "MiniExcel" }, { "Column2", 1 } }, new Dictionary<string,object>{{ "Column1", "Github" }, { "Column2", 2 } } }; MiniExcel.SaveAs(path, values); ...
While the required keyword can't be used since it's from C# 11, using init alone is sufficient to guarantee immutability.public enum Gender { Male, Female, Unknown } // table definition marked by MemoryTableAttribute. // database-table must be serializable by MessagePack-CSsharp [MemoryTable...
object value) public static Task SaveAsByTemplateAsync(string path, byte[] templateBytes, object value) public static Task<DataTable> QueryAsDataTableAsync(string path, bool useHeaderRow = true, string sheetName = null, ExcelType excelType = ExcelType.UNKNOWN, string startCell = "A1", IConf...
public static Task SaveAsAsync(string path, object value, bool printHeader = true, string sheetName = "Sheet1", ExcelType excelType = ExcelType.UNKNOWN, IConfiguration configuration = null) public static Task SaveAsAsync(this Stream stream, object value, bool printHeader = true, string sheet...
Gets or sets if true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
Get(google + bing) select new { google, bing, unknown }; var cancel = query.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)); // Call Dispose is cancel. cancel.Dispose(); Use Observable.WhenAll for parallel requests: // Observable.WhenAll is for parallel asynchronous operation // (It's like Observable....