下面是实现该功能的代码: withopen('example.txt','r')asfile:line_number=1line=file.readline()whileline:print(f"Line{line_number}:{line}")line_number+=1line=file.readline() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 运行上述代码后,我们将得到以下输出: Line 1: This is line 1. Line 2: This is lin...
In Python, we read file line by line using different approaches based on clean syntax, ability to read large files, and memory efficiency.
python3 逐行读取文件 python逐行读取文件内容 方法一:复制代码代码如下:f = open("foo.txt") # 返回一个文件对象 line = f.readline() # 调用文件的 readline()方法 while line: print line, # 后面跟 ',' 将忽略换行符 # print( python3 逐行读取文件 Python 换行符 cat file | while read line的...
Python逐行读取文件内容thefile= open("foo.txt") line = thefile.readline() while line: print line, line = thefile.readline() thefile.close()Windows下文件
下面代码中读取的文件 file.txt 内容如下 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 Hello World Tom Jerry 1、代码示例 - read 函数读取文件 10 字节内容 代码示例 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 """ 文件操作 代码示例""" file=open("file.txt","r",encoding="UTF-8")print(type(file))#<class'_io.TextIOWrapper'>pr...
file_object.readline() 优点:readline()方法每次读取一行;返回的是一个字符串对象,保存当前行的内存,不占用内存 缺点:速度比readlines()慢很多 示例代码: # 读取一行f=open('test.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8')print("读取一行 ===")line=f.readline()whileline:# 打印当前文件指针的位置print("文件指针...
line = f.readline() f.close() 输出结果: <type'str'> Hello Welcome Whatisthe fuck... 三、readlines()方法 readlines()方法读取整个文件所有行,保存在一个列表(list)变量中,每行作为一个元素,但读取大文件会比较占内存。 f =open("a.txt") ...
file_object.readline() 优点:readline()方法每次读取一行;返回的是一个字符串对象,保存当前行的内存,不占用内存 缺点:速度比readlines()慢很多 示例代码: # 读取一行f=open('test.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8')print("读取一行 ===")line=f.readline()whileline:# 打印当前文件指针的位置print("文件指针...
The program reads the wholewords.txtfile. Python read text with readline Thereadlinefunction reads until newline or EOF and return a single string. If the stream is already at EOF, an empty string is returned. If thesizeparameter is specified, at most size characters will be read. ...
file_object.readline() 优点:readline()方法每次读取一行;返回的是一个字符串对象,保存当前行的内存,不占用内存 缺点:速度比readlines()慢很多 示例代码: # 读取一行 f = open('test.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') print("读取一行 ===") line...