Jet lag. The feeling of being tired and slightly confused of the along planner eesp after traveling between place that have a time difference of the Harvard. Listen to the dialogue and pay attention to the background Information and the opening part of it then complaint. Their job, their co...
In Zhao's perspective, a burgeoning cohort of young people is now drawn to literary works through short videos. "Through AI algorithms, books are recommended to targeted listeners who might have an interest, thereby boosting sales of numerous classic books, including many audiobooks." Data from ...
I just wanted to let you know that my daughter, whom I'm homeschooling this year and who is a visual-spatial learner, is really enjoying learning grammar this way. She's still having some trouble when she has to produce the sentences and identifying the parts of speech, but your workbook...
Even cooler, you can make the app read the text aloud for you by starting the text-to-speech function on the tool bar. Or use the shortcut for read aloud function (Ctrl+T) to start reading aloud the whole book, starting at the current page. You can also use this shortcut to stop...
Choose simple everyday words.Aim to keep your writing as close to speech as possible. Ask yourself if what you have written matches how you would express the ideas in a conversation. Positive phrasingand avoid double negatives. Be concise.Reduce excess, keep sentences short and simple and avoid...
Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri - Shortcuts for Siri using ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 model, supports continuous conversations, configure the API key & save chat records. 由 ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 模型驱动的智能 Siri,支持连续对话,配置API key,配置系统prompt,保存聊天记录。 gencay...
Pocket is built for reading, but it can also read to you using a surprisingly lifelike text-to-speech engine. Tap the audio button in the mobile app, and your phone will read articles to you. The voices are passable, if a little robotic, and you can adjust the playback speed if need...
386 20 0 6 years ago react-primer/786 Short annotated examples of React concepts 388 32 1 4 years ago AdNauseamV1/787 *** This is not the current AdNauseam repository: please find the current repo here: 390 71 1 4 years ago flask-vuejs/788 Example & Tips, Flask with Vue.js. 386...
Finished early and worked well under such a short amount of time. Great communication Fast responses Follows instructions Fast delivery jadevela 239 completed orders 10/10 7 days ago Client about rimwrites100 Professional, capable, and always delivers even more than anticipated. Follows instructions ...
If he can keep himself up to date in the matters of his dress, speech and manners, he will assure himself a high social esteem. [C]Not only the mobile and urban character of modern society but its affluence also speaks for greater prevalence of fashion in it. Men today are richer ...