excerpt, extract, take out - take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy cull out, winnow - select desirable parts from a group or list; "cull out the interesting letters from the poet's correspondence"; "winnow the finalists from the long list of applicants" ...
186 367 7 1 year, 7 months ago gapminder/475 Excerpt from the Gapminder data, as an R data package and in plain text delimited form 185 11 6 a month ago ggannotate/476 Interactively annotate ggplots 185 110 2 2 years ago R-GIS-tutorial/477 Spatial data in R: using R as a GIS 18...
Hi! I'm Sonia. I'm so glad you are here. There's a story in the Bible in John chapter 4 about a woman with a broken past. That's my back story, but then that woman (and this woman) met Jesus. This blog is a glimpse at the"now story". Welcome to John4Fou
Citation Excerpt : It is important to note that slight differences in structure may be associated with large changes in activity and toxic effects, this is often termed an “activity cliff” (Maggiora, 2006). Such minor differences in structure may affect reactivity, and hence endpoints such as...
username is the account that you are using to blog. Now fill it out and evaluate it. (setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist '(("myblog" :url "https://myblog.com/xmlrpc.php" :username "username"))) Display the Org2Blog user interface (UI) by executing the command org2blog-user-int...
username is the account that you are using to blog with. This is all it takes. Now fill it out and evaluate it. (setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist '(("myblog" :url "https://myblog.com/xmlrpc.php" :username "username"))) Display the Org2Blog user-interface (UI) by executing...
Excerpt of the Instrument class. class Instrument : public LazyObject { protected: mutable Real NPV_; public: Real NPV() const { calculate(); return NPV_; } void calculate() const { if (isExpired()) { setupExpired(); calculated_ = true; } else { LazyObject::calculate(); } } ...
Summary Excerpt Details Organized movements, whether social, scientific, political or religious have been the backbone of India’s developmental capabilities. The more prominent movement in recent times has been the environmental movement group such as the Narmada Bachao Andolan which questions the ...
Noting that the article was written in the wake of the Brisbane floods, but ahead of further weather events throughout 2011 and into 2012, the following is an unedited excerpt of what I wrote at the time: "So it is from this relatively neutral stance that I make note of a scientific ...
(scroll down)Excerpt:"Did you know that all female mammals have a clitoris? Or that there is no such thing as a “maternal” instinct? Or that the only nonhuman animals known to go through menopause are the toothed whales, such as orcas? In addition to containing salacious conversation ...