Ask students work in pairs and role play the dialogue.Then invite two groups to show in front of the class・2・Play a game:word cards・Invite two couples of students・Ask onestudent to choose the card in the box and then ask the other students thequestion“how often do you・...
Don't hesitate anymore. The best time to invest is now. Employers are encouraged to B sales in the form. A travel accent is a person of business that arrange these people's holidays and then raise. Although the young man failed in starting his own business, he didn't lose face. The ...
possible not only three-way dramatic scenes but also plays with a large cast of characters, since the masks allowed an actor to play more than one part in different scenes.The addition of actors shifted the focus of drama away from the chorus toward the action and dialogue of the characters...
T:Inthetwopictures,WuYifanlookstired.Whatdoeshedo?Let’sreadthedialogueandsee. 设计意图:与学生交流挂图内容,有利于学生了解对话内容和情景。 (2)学生自主阅读对话,回答下面的问题。 1WhatdoesWuYifandoonFridays? 2WhatdoesWuYifanoftendoontheweekend? Answers: 1HehasPE. 2HeoftenwatchesTV. (3)第一次播放...
I’m going to the school. How can I get there? Can you help me?Look and write a dialogue14Post-readingRobot : We’re beside the science museum. Let’s turn left and turn right at the post office. Follow me, please!Cat : I’m going to the school. How can I get there? Can ...
The third reading Read the story again and finish the dialogue. 4. The fourth reading, Work in groups and solve the difficulties. (小组合作交流,共同解决) 翻译:watch the sun go down Get lower and lower Grow older/taller Become a beautiful bird 5. The fifth reading Listen to ...
3.能完成Tick or cross, complete the dialogue,listen and check 部分等4. 熟读story time 部分, 能分角色表演故事。语言知识目标:1.能在图片和文本语境的帮助下,听懂、会说、会认核心词汇tired, sport, play sports, should, every day, schedule等单词和句型What do you have on...I have..., 2.能...
T:Writethetypeofbookundereachpicture.Thenputatickintheboxifyouhavereadthistypeofbook before. 3.PartB T:Listentotheconversationandanswerthefollowingquestions. (1)WhatisDaniel’sfavouritetypeofbook?Why? (2)Whatishereadingnow? (3)WhatdoesSandyliketoread?
SlugBot: Developing a Computational Model andFramework of a Novel Dialogue Genre Optuna: A Next-generation Hyperparameter Optimization Framework ⭐ Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice Semi-parametric Object Synthesis INS: An Interactive Chinese News Synthesis System Green AI ⭐ AI-GAs: ...
.Avoidfigurative(比喻的)language9).Put the main points of a dialogue inindirect speechBeginning a SummaryBegin your summary with1.The author’s name2.The article’s or chapter’s name3.The author’s thesis statement--a general overview(survey概述)of the articleThe Opening Sentence:e.g. ...