read之前一定要排序,按照read的KEY字段进行排序,否则就可能取不到。 READ 不加BINARY SEARCH的取数逻辑, 其实是取第一笔数据
ABAP READ TABLE使用BINARY SEARCH如题,read table使用binary search,with key有多个字段的时候,寻找数据的内部逻辑是怎样的比如有内表(按A,B已排好序)T_DATAA B C1 1 11 2 22 1 32 2 42 3 53 1 63 2 73 3 8现在用如下语句查找READ TABLE T_DATA INTO W_DATA WITH KEY A='2' B = '3' BINA...
在做二分查找之前,需要先对内表以查找的字段顺序进行升序排序,也就是说,在你的例子中用二分查找之前要对内表按A、B的顺序进行排序,即 SORT T_DATA[] BY A B ASCENDING.否则不一定能查找到正确的确结果
abap read table 二分法abap read table二分法 ABAP中READ TABLE语句使用顺序查找数据表,这会降低处理速度,而使用BINARY SEARCH理论上可以减少一半的运行时间。在使用binary search之前必须首先将内表排序,否则有可能数据为空。因为二分查找反复将查找区间对半划分,如果要查找的值小于查找区间的中间位置的数据项值,则查找...
1.for standard table, it must be sorted by search key.2.for sorted table , binary search is used automatically when searching with/include table key.N
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have the following issue: From a table, I am picking up 5 fields into an internal table (in the correct sequence): A B C D E. Now, I am sorting the above internal table as follows: sort itab by A B C descnding. Now, I am writing ...
The method READ_BINARY_SEARCH_CHECK of the classCL_ABAP_ITAB_UTILITIEScan be used to verify whether the required sort exists for the additionBINARY SEARCH. When the additionBINARY SEARCHis used, if there are multiple hits (due to an incomplete search key or duplicate entries in the table),...
READ is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming.This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. READ READ – Read an internal table Basic form READ TABLE itab. READ TABLE itab INTO wa. Additions 1a. … WITH KEY k1 = v1 … kn = vn ...
2Likesy-subrcequals 0. Distinguishes cases that use the additionCOMPARINGinresult. 4The row was not found. If the entry was determined using a binary search,sy-tabixis set to the table index of the entry before which it would be inserted usingINSERT ... INDEX ..., to preserve the sort...
Solved: Hi all, I have been reading through the ABAP 740 read table statements. Questions: I have a ztable with field1 to field10 with only field1 as primary key. 1) I