Thomas Palmer, Globe Staff
Reading the Crisis: The Polemics of Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" T lo BEGIN WITH, life in the literary world has never been the same ever since the publication of The Satanic Verses (1988). What we have witnessed has been an overwhelming crisis of reading, interpreting, and respon...
So good to have you both. Laura Battle It’s great to be here. Fred Studemann Thanks. Thanks for having us in. Lilah Raptopoulos So, how are you both doing? How are you feeling about this summer crop of books? Fred Studemann Well, it’s a very . . . I don’t think ...
Each book already reviewed here at 1001 Book Reviews has a link directly to the review post. Books that currently have readers in progress can be viewed in bold type. 2000s 1.Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro 1 a. Animal’s People – Indra Sinha 1 b. The Elegance of the Hedgehog –...
Claire Armitstead Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses (1988) If Uncle Tom's Cabin is, as Lincoln called it, the novel by a little lady which started a great war, Salman Rushdie's masterpiece of magic realism added substantially to the clash of ...
Many online videos show him debating heavyweight thinkers and theologians, usually to devastating result for them。 Those disputes justify Hitchens' fame for a sharp wit, an often acerbic approach, and his extensive vocabulary。 A prodigious memory helped him to draw on his vast learning。 Some fi...