To request a read receipt or a delivery receipt for your message: Select at the top of the message compose pane. SelectShow message options. SelectRequest a read receiptorRequest a delivery receipt, or both. To choose how Outlook on the web responds to read receipt requests: SelectSettin...
In Outlook, compose your message. SelectReceipts>Delivery Receipt. Send your message. Note:If you don't have the Receipts button, you can customize your toolbar to add it. For more information, please go toCustomize your toolbar in Outlook for Mac. ...
In Outlook, you request a read receipt for an email message that you send to an external recipient, but the received receipt incorrectly describes your message:The To field that specifies the recipients of your message is empty. The Sent field shows a timestamp that's later than when you...
适用于:Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016为邮件生成已读或未读报告。C++ 复制 HRESULT ReadReceipt( ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpReadMessage, LPMESSAGE FAR * lppEmptyMessage ); 参数ulFlags[in]一个标志的位掩码,用于控制读取或非读取报表的生成方式。 可以设置以下标志:MAPI_NON_READ...
MailItem.ReadReceiptRequested 属性 (Outlook) Learn 登录 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何? MailModule 对象 MarkAsTaskRuleAction 对象 MeetingItem 对象 MoveOrCopyRuleAction 对象 NameSpace 对象 NavigationFolder 对象...
適用於:Outlook 2013 |Outlook 2016 產生訊息的讀取或非讀取報表。 C++ 複製 HRESULT ReadReceipt( ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpReadMessage, LPMESSAGE FAR * lppEmptyMessage ); 參數 ulFlags [in]旗標的位掩碼,控制讀取或非讀取報表的產生方式。 您可以設定下列旗標: MAPI_NON_READ 會產生非讀取報表。 如...
expression。ReadReceiptRequested 表達代表MailItem 物件的變數。 註解 此屬性相當於 MAPI 屬性PidTagReadReceiptRequested。 這個屬性是已建立但尚未傳送或張貼之SharingItem物件的讀取/寫入;它對於傳送的SharingItem物件是唯讀的。 另請參閱 SharingItem 物件 ...
适用于:Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016如果邮件发件人希望邮件系统在收件人阅读邮件时生成已读报告,则包含 TRUE。展开表 属性值 相关属性: PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED 标识符: 0x0029 数据类型: PT_BOOLEAN 区域: 电子邮件备注此属性必须设置为 TRUE 才能验证 PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID (PidTagReadReceiptEntryId)...
However, I am going to explain the procedure for getting delivery and read receipt confirmation to a specific address in Microsoft Outlook. Due to any reason, you were not able to recover the navigation pane configuration file, and then try to delete the XML file that stores the navigation pa...
Hello, Ana here! Had an update to the MS Apps in my MacBook Pro this morning, and the feature of requesting Read Receipts - vital for my line of work - has disappeared. I can still use it in the 365 online app, but no longer in the Outlook App for Mac. Help?