We are having a problem on several stations, that when we save a drawing that we have been working on, it suddenly becomes "read only" tells us it's in use by someone else and can not be saved. The drawings are definitely not in use by anyone else. Occasionally, if we wait a few...
Technically speaking, both of those solutions do not provide an uneditable AutoCAD file. They only put the DWF or PDF in a .dwg package. RobDrafting is a breeze and Revit doesn't always work the way you think it should. Reply Report 0 Anonymous in reply to Ro...
When double-clicking a DWG file in the Finder that is stored in a network folder location, AutoCAD for Mac displays the following alert: AutoCAD Alert[/path/filename].dwg is currently in use by: [user, computer name]. Would you like to open the file read-onl...
Users reported that when saving a drawing file in AutoCAD (almost exclusively to a network location), the file suddenly becomes read-only with a message appearing similar to one of the following: AutoCAD Message Unable to save to drawing <path>\<drawingname>.dwg as it is...
Check theRead-onlybox, and clickOK. The file will now be markedRead-only. As a result: No edits can be made to the drawing until theRead-onlystatus is reversed. Any details placed in the drawing will not be updated when the file is opened. ...
✅ Windows 10 - all folders are marked "read-only" causing Autocad routine errors. How to correct?:All of my folders are marked "Read-only Only applies to files in folders" in folder properties. However, the files are not locked and I can open and...
提示说的很清楚,你的自动保存的路径是只读的,你打开选项OP对话框,检查一下自动保存文件的路径设置的是什么?换个可写的路径或者看一下为什么当前的目录只读,能不能设置为可写。默认的目录你没有权限写,你要处理不了,让IT来处理 或者你的自动保存设置的路径被删除。
I'm wondering if there's a way to make a textpath read-only. I see there is an editable property, but it can't be changed and seems to just auto-update when the textpath is locked or unlocked. I know I can lock the object but the user would just be able to unlock it. I ...
After installing AutoCAD for Mac or AutoCAD LT for Mac on a new MacBook Pro, iMac, or Mac Mini, the first start of the program causes an error to appear: "The directory may be locked by another process or have been set to Read Only" ...
X Functions Z Functions AutoLISP External Functions DCL Reference ActiveX Library Functions (Windows Only) Express Tools Library Functions (AutoCAD for Windows Only) Visual LISP IDE Related Functions (AutoCAD for Windows Only) AutoLISP: Tutorials ActiveX and VBA ObjectARX and Managed .NET JavaScriptParta...