打开Excel表格后,点击菜单栏中的【文件】选项,然后点击【另存为】,再在右侧选择另存后保存的路径。 弹出新的页面后,点击右下方【工具】下列表中的【常规选项】选项。 再次弹出新的页面后,在【修改权限密码】一栏输入设置的密码,点击【确定】后再输入一次,即可保存表格。表格的名称可以修改,保存为新的文件;也可以...
After that, the Save As dialog will be displayed. Another option would be to save the workbook as an Excel template. Excel will then create a new copy when the user double-clicks the template. HansVogelaarI had the same problem, my way around this was to open the file as ...
Excel read-only file is one such file having the attribute‘read-only’turned on. Such an Excel read-only file can be easily viewed and opened just like any other file but writing or saving changes on it isn’t allowed. Many users take advantage of the read-only feature to restrict the...
1. When a user creates an Excel file the first time or opens an existing file to edit, on saving either of these the system will give "cannot access Excel read-only file" IF the user is trying to save the file to some external drive, for example, a network drive. An interruptio...
It does not access permission to make changes to the file. This means, you cannot edit the files and change the data. Hence, people tend to keep the file in read only mode so that it cannot be modified. But what if you need to disable read only Excel? Well, we have a solution ...
Workbook.ReadOnly 属性 (Excel) 项目 2023/04/07 5 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 示例 如果对象以只读方式打开,则返回True。 只读Boolean。 语法 表达式。ReadOnly 表达一个代表Workbook对象的变量。 示例 如果当前工作簿是只读的,则此示例将此工作簿另存为 Newfile.xls。
A read-only Excel file is a file that can be viewed but not edited. When someone opens the file, they can see and read all the data in the file but cannot make any changes to it. This feature is useful when you want to share your file with others but don’t want them to change...
Another option would be to save the workbook as an Excel template. Excel will then create a new copy when the user double-clicks the template. HansVogelaarI had the same problem, my way around this was to open the file as read only from another macro enabled document. ...
Hello everyone. Excel files are opening as Read Only for multiple users, this is the same whether the files are opened from the local machine or a network share location. Opening other documents from the same location using Word and PowerPoint are…
Case 1. Open MS Excel files in read-only mode The most common Microsoft Excel read-only problem is found in newer versions of the program. According to many users, this error occurs if you download an XLS or XLSX file from the Internet. But the reason can be many things: broken setting...