Leo Tolstoy s Anna Karenina startled the world with its powerful portrayal of the human need for love and happiness weighted against the rigid demands of society. Its heroine, the sensual, rebellious Anna, renounces a respectable yet stifling marriage fo
Read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland online Read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes online Read Arabian Nights online Read Anna Karenina online Read The Secret Adversary online Read The Time Machine online Read Wuthering Heights online More... ...
安娜·卡列宁娜(英文版)Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Constance Garnett 加入书架开始阅读 贵族妇女安娜追求爱情幸福,却在卡列宁的虚伪、渥伦斯基的冷漠和自私面前碰得头破血流,最终落得卧轨自杀、陈尸车站的下场。庄园主列文反对土地私有制,抵制资本主义制度,同情贫苦农民,却又无法摆脱贵族习气而陷入无法解脱的矛盾之中。
Anna Karenina and TrainsIn Leo Tolstoy's 1878 novel, Anna Karenina, trains and train stations are the settings for some of the most important scenes. The main character, Anna, takes her own life by throwing herself in front of a moving train....
2024, Project Gutenberg reached 70,000 eBooks. Many of the works are released in plain text, but plenty of other formats are available, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. Popular books includeJane Eyre,Don Quixote,Treasure Island,War and Peace,The Complete Works of Shakespeare, andAnna Karenina....
Anna Karenina, Keira Knightley’s dyslexia: How Keira’s parents got her to read"Well, if you've got a carrot to dangle in front of her, because she has to learn to read," recounted Keira Knightley about her experience with dyslexia, readinExaminer.com...
Petersburg socialite Anna Karenina and her illicit affair with cavalry officer Count Alexei Vronsky. The lovers flee Anna’s ex-husband and escape to Italy, even leaving behind her child, but although their relationship was passionate at its beginning, it is destined for a heartbreaking end… ...
Having read Andrei Platonov’sSoulin my youth, I fell ill. Before that, this had happened to me only while readingAnna Karenina, and twice more later, after readingThe Metamorphosisby Kafka andThe Strangerby Camus. If you write yourself, you want to give up your writing after reading these...
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I’m currently reading Anna Karenina and while I have some qualms with Tolstoy and his seeming need to write women as either homely and impossibly pure, or fallen vixens, I am quite enjoying it. I love a good crossword puzzle as well and tend to attach my self worth to how long it ...