NIfTI(NeuroimagingInformaticsTechnologyInitiative)是神经影像学信息技术倡议的简称,它是一个用于存储神经影像学数据的文件格式。在神经影像学研究中,研究人员通常会使用NIfTI格式来存储脑部结构和功能数据,因为它能够提供高质量的数据存储和处理。 readnifti函数可以读取NIfTI文件中的头文件和数据,然后将它们转换为MATLAB中的...
このMATLAB 関数 は、現在のフォルダーまたはパス上で filename によって指定された NIfTI イメージ ファイルを読み取り、V でボリューム データを返します。
niftiinforeturns the metadata from the header in simplified form. The function renames, reorders, and packages fields into easier to read MATLAB®structures. For example,niftiinfocreates theDisplayIntensityRangefield from thecal_maxandcal_minfields of the file metadata. To view the metadata as it...
Hi all, I am a beginner to FreeSurfer, and have been experimenting with the MRIread function on MATLAB. I am able to load .nii files using MRIread, but is there a way to display a particular slice from a nifti file on MATLAB using MRIread and its related functions? Thanks in advance...
dcm2niix attempts to convert all DICOM images to NIfTI. The Philips enhanced DICOM images are elegantly able to save all images from a series as a single file. However, this format is necessarily complex. The usage of this format has evolved over time, and can become further complic...
>>> ERROR: error reading NIfTI file >>> /workbench/bin_rh_linux64/melodic_IC.dscalar.nii: >>> /workbench/bin_rh_linux64/melodic_IC.dscalar.nii is not a valid NIfTI file >>> wb_command -cifti-convert -to-gifti-ext melodic_IC.dscalar.nii >>> /tmp/...
@nifti @slover @xmltree EEGtemplates batches canonical compat config external help man matlabbatch rend spm_orthviews src tests toolbox tpm AUTHORS.txt Contents.m DICOM2011_dict.txt LICENCE.txt MIP.mat README.txt loadxml.m savexml.m spm.m spm_ADEM.m spm_ADEM_M_set.m spm_ADEM_diff.m ...
import SimpleITK as sitk # 指定要读取的图像文件路径和名称 filename = "path/to/image.nii.gz" # 指定要使用的图像读取器 imageIO = sitk.ImageIOFactory.CreateImageIO("NiftiImageIO") # 指定输出图像的像素类型 outputPixelType = sitk.sitkFloat32 # 指定图像读取器的参数 imageIOParameter = {"LoadPr...
支持多种图像格式,包括:JPEG、JPEG2000、JPEG-XL、TIFF、PNG、WebP、HEIC、AVIF、FITS、Matlab、OpenEXR、PDF、SVG、HDR、PPM/PGM/PFM、CSV、GIF、分析、NIfTI、DeepZoom 和 OpenSlide。支持相应的图片格式直接保存,不需转换。 性能好、运行速度非常快、占用很少的内存,相对同类库,表现最优秀,性能快5倍以上。 GitHu...
支持多种图像格式,包括:JPEG、JPEG2000、JPEG-XL、TIFF、PNG、WebP、HEIC、AVIF、FITS、Matlab、OpenEXR、PDF、SVG、HDR、PPM/PGM/PFM、CSV、GIF、分析、NIfTI、DeepZoom 和 OpenSlide。支持相应的图片格式直接保存,不需转换。 性能好、运行速度非常快、占用很少的内存,相对同类库,表现最优秀,性能快5倍以上。 GitHu...