Recibe recomendaciones de nombres para bebés que coincidan con tu estilo, por tema, origen/religión, letra inicial o significado del nombre. Según los nombres que te gustan o no, la aplicación recomienda más nombres de los que puedes preseleccionar. La parte divertida: a...
Recibe recomendaciones de nombres para bebés que coincidan con tu estilo, por tema, origen/religión, letra inicial o significado del nombre. Según los nombres que te gustan o no, la aplicación recomienda más nombres de los que puedes preseleccionar. La parte divertida: ale...
Soy un Chileno en Sydney y partieron bien, después de dos semanas dejaron de pagarle a los hospitales que ellos mandaron garantías de pago, usan la letra chica del contrato para excusarse de dar reembolsos o ayuda y yo lo estoy demandando porque me rehusaron una ambulancia, me dicen ...
They at first rejected him because he was too young for it but one guy from the group decided to be nice to brother Read for my toddler’s bedtime。 Brother bear liked to build model airplanes。 His dad taught him so when a little boy bear named Billy came along and wanted to learn ...
aAgradable a aquí de usted y de las gracias por su letra preguntó por los rhinestones. 宜人您和感谢它请求在这儿假钻石的它的信件。[translate] a我乐意听你从军的故事 I am glad the story which listens to you to join the army[translate] ...
My mind is literally blown。 I'm literally screaming at this pages like WTF IS GOING ON 🤯😅 I need to stop binging this and enjoy it slowly。 I don't want it to ever end。 My mind is literally blown。 I'm literally screaming at this pages like WTF IS GOING ON 🤯😅 I ne...
(There's definitely solace for Oikawa fans, though。) But it feels natural, and if I contemplated stopping the series, I was glad I changed my mind in the end。 It's a blow after forty-one and a half volumes, but it isn't a deal-breaker, because no matter how intense things were...
FromNew York Timesbestseller author Mark Manson, comes an irreverent, interactive journal based on the internationally bestselling phenomenonThe Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ckand theNew York TimesbestsellerEverything is F*cked,providing questions and sharp insights in his inimitable voice。
already knew it contains big age cap and similar stuff, however, i didn't really mind that。 Whatbothered me the most is that the book started quite nice and could continue into an interesting story, but ended up being solely about sex。 Around40% of the book I was already very ...
Tom, for his part was a gruff guy and had his own issues to work through, but I loved how he always had the best intentions in mind for Darcy。 Their relationship was a slow build and in parts the book dragged on but overall it is a good read, just missed the mark for me。 。