With our app, you can easily keep track of all the books you've read. When adding a book, simply click the barcode button on the top right corner of the screen and scan the book's barcode to automatically fill in most of the fields, including the book cover. Have you ever been aske...
The app allows you to sort your books by Book name, Author, Genre, Series, and Date read, as well as group books by Author or Genre, Year, Rating, and Series. You can also double-tap the book image or tap the zoom button to view the book cover in full-screen mode and enlarge or...
I had Spritz bookmarked from years ago when I tried it and liked it, but I guess I had forgotten about it. I tried this app and it’s frankly astonishing how easily I can traverse through text with it, and all while understanding everything! I have even begun to read some books I...
it's like to be standing at the bookstore wondering if the book we're holding is right for our child. That's why we created the MyBookPoints app to scan the barcode of any book and instantly see the AR book points, reviews, and view your child's list of books all in one place....
Display of the user-defined sets of each book in its Book Info Metadata View Dimming of the book icon when it is pressed or long pressed in Library Bookshelf View EPUB context menu More optionImplicit Copyto facilitate pasting text into another app referred bySet My DictionaryorSet My Command...
It also has a version for macOS in the App Store. Open the program and log into your Amazon account. This will sync your purchased eBooks to the app. Whenever you buy a new book, it will automatically be added to your Kindle for PC. Double-click the book in the app to begin ...
Can I search and copy book text in exported PDF files? No, because pages are saved as scanned images. Can I read my own PDF and EPUB books in GooReader? Yes, Gooreader is a comfortable app for reading PDF and EPUB books. You can also manage small PDF-libraries in Gooreader. You can...
(`regist_id`,`name`,`gender`,`age`,`birthday`,`visit_time`,`dept_id`,`regist_level`,`readme`,`present`,`present_treat`,`history`,`allergy`,`disease`,`suit`,`drug`,`userid`,`book`,`fee`,`status`,`del`,`createtime`) values (1,'张飞','2','58',NULL,'2024-12-02',1,1...
Joshua 1:8This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; Psalm 18:2The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; Psalm 27:1The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? Psalm 34:8Taste and see that the LORD is good. ...
Olive Tree is partnering with BibleProject to give you free access to great videos, including introductions for every book in the Bible and other topical videos relevant to your Bible study. FEATURES Whether you’re here for a daily verse or prepping a sermon, Olive Tree has the tools you ...