import * as React from 'react'; import { View, Text } from 'react-native'; import ReadMore from 'react-native-read-more-text'; export class DescriptionCard extends React.Component { render() { let { text } = this.props; return ( <View> <View style={styles.cardLabel}> <Text style...
This is a test 1 Enjoy, This is a test 2 Enjoy, This is a test 3 ...
React native library to show text in a condensed way and expand when needed. Can be used with native or expo on all platforms. Supports TS/JS both. It's a pure JS solution and does not requires any native dependencies. Installation npm i @fawazahmed/react-native-read-more --save or ...
七夕临近了,没有对象的来创建一个吧 使用对象字面量: const o = { name: "zehan", ...
(value)}fadebtn={{shown?'Read Less':'Read More'}}preset='wobbly'></ReadMore>);};ReactDOM.render(<App/>,document.getElementById('root')); Demo Live Demo:https://codesandbox.io/embed/kind-night-bqd8e To build the examples locally, run: npm install npm start Then openlocalhost:3000i...
Next.js支持JavaScript TC39 的dynamic import proposal规范,所以你可以动态导入(import) JavaScript 模块(例如 React Component)。 你可以将动态导入理解为一种将代码分割为更易管理和理解的方式。由于 Next.js支持服务器端渲染侧(SSR)的动态导入,所以你可以用它来做一些炫酷的东西。 1. 基本用法(同样支持 SSR) im...
LESS emmet-ls npm install -g emmet-ls Lua sumneko 请确保导出 sumneko 的 bin 目录到你系统的 PATH 路径 lua-lsp Markdown vale-ls 先安装 vale, 并在 vale-ls git 仓库中用 cargo 来构建 vale-ls, 并确保 vale-ls 添加到 PATH 中 Mint mint-ls Mojo mojo modular install mojo-lsp-server Move...
1. Take care of your body. Remember health is another form of wealth. 2. Normalize walking some paths alone because goals are personal. 3. Be mature enough to control your emotions. Learn to react less. 4. Free yourself from the society advice, most of them have no idea of what they...
RealWorld solves this by allowing you to choose any frontend (React, Angular 2, & more) and any backend (Node, Django, & more) and see how they power a real world, beautifully designed fullstack app called “Conduit”.By building a backend in Elixir and Phoenix that adheres to the ...