React native library to show text in a condensed way and expand when needed. Can be used with native or expo on all platforms. Supports TS/JS both. It's a pure JS solution and does not requires any native dependencies. Installation npm i @fawazahmed/react-native-read-more --save or ...
React native library to show text in a brief way and expand it when needed. It is a lightweight inline read more text component. It is written in Typescript and supports both TS/JS. It can be used with react native cli and expo both - react-native-read-m
This HTML snippet is now rendered with native components ! Enjoy a webview-free and blazing ...
【React Native】error: src/main.tsx: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') Nx mo... 印比八方来关注IP属地: 上海 12024.11.25 22:57:29字数64阅读59 找到.babelrc.js文件,注释掉 // if ( // process.env.NX_TASK_TARGET_TARGET === 'build' || // process.env.NX_TASK_...
📱 react-native-video is provided as it is. For enterprise support or other business inquiries, please contact us 🤝. We can help you with the integration, customization and maintenance. We are providing both free and commercial support for this project. let's build something awesome together...
Our first thought, after some research, was to useDocusaurus, hosted on GitHub. We foundthis scriptand, even more promising,this library, which seemed to be exactly what we wanted because Docusaurus supports rendering React components and the script and library promised to generate API documentation...
react-native-speech-iflytek 是一个 React Native 下的科大讯飞语音库,可以进行语音识别与语音合成。 Support React Native >= 0.47.0 from 0.2.0 React Native >= 0.42.0 from 0.1.2 Android iOS from 1.0.0 Install npm i react-native-speech-iflytek --save react-native link 安装、链接后还须进行下...
A history of East Germany, by a German-British historian born in the closing years of the GDR, that looks beyond standard characterisations to give a more comprehensive account of life in the “workers’ and peasants’ state”. Once Upon a Time World: The Dark and Sparkling Story of the...
This has more application on CPU architecture, but can also be applied to code design. Before I leave this topic of passing functions as arguments, it’s important to mention that you may pass any user-defined function variable as an argument, as well as most native to PHP, but not the...
但是如果是SectionList,其数据结构是多维数组,只是在调用mobx数据时slice一下依然会有警告,因为其数据内部的数组依然是mobx数据,此种情况可使用computed改造数据,代码如下: //class GroupChatListStore@observablesectionData=[{key:"临时群组",data:[0,1,2]},{key:"我的圈子",data:[0,1,2]}];@computedgetform...