In Windows PowerShell, we can use the Get-Content cmdlet to read files from a file. However, the cmdlet will load the entire file contents to memory at once, which will fail or freeze on large files.To solve this problem, what we can do is we can read the files line by line, and...
This tutorial explained how to read a file's contents line by line using Bash shell scripts in five different ways. Reading a file line by line is helpful when searching for strings in a file by reading the lines individually. Next, learn toexit from a loop using Bash breakorresume a lo...
#read onefileline by lineforlinein$(cattest1.txt);doecho$line ;done; #whilereadsplitline by spacewhileread linedoforwordin$linedoecho$worddone;done<test1.txt #stringsplitor substring input=type=abcdefgecho$input; #get abcdefgecho$input |cut-d'='-f2echo$input |cut-d'='-f2#${variable:...
刚刚利用shell脚本处理日志文件时,发现了一个问题:while read line无法读取到最后一行 通过编辑器可以看到待处理的文件是5243行,但是,脚本的计数值却只打印了5242次。 shell脚本源码如下: 1icount=02whileread line3do4data=`echo ${line#*error repeat sdr }`5callid=`echo ${data% error:mysql.*}`6let i...
while read LINE; do COMMAND; done < FILE As example lets print all users from the/etc/passwdfile: $ while read LINE; do echo "$LINE" | cut -f1 -d":"; done < /etc/passwd root daemon bin [...] TheLINEin this construction – is the name of a variable that stores the line dur...
while read line do … done < file 可能不熟悉shell的人看到这个会有点懵,其实这是shell中while read line的一种用法: read通过输入重定向,把file的第一行所有的内容赋值给变量line,循环体内的命令一般包含对变量line的处理;然后循环处理file的第二行、第三行。。。一直到file的最后一行。
linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop),在linux下一般用whilereadline与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1.whilereadlinewhilereadline;doecho$linedone<test.txt输出结果与上图一致。这里也可以写为:cattest.txt|whilereadline;do
Add routes remotely Via Powershell Add semicolon in powershell report Add shared printer from Powershell, driver cannot be retrieved from the server Add switches to powershell script add text to the start of a line Add the same firewall rule with netsh and with PowerShell Add User Account...
( ) >>$logfile( )中的语句会在新建shell中执行(产生一个新进程),其中任何语句的标准输出都会被重定向到log文件$logfile中去(追加写方式)。while read linedo ...done </tmp/$$.df读取文件/tmp/$$.df,read命令每次读取一行内容,所以while循环的每次迭代都只处理该文件的一行内容(变量l...
如下SHELL #!/bin/sh cat file | while read line do ... read key 当然也是从file里读了. 在循环中用read可以用以下方法! for line in `cat file` do echo "press any key" read key done 不行吧,那样line的内容就是一个个单词而不是一行行了。