Readrops is a multi-services RSS client for Android. Its name is composed of "Read" and "drops", where drops are articles in an ocean of news. Features Local RSS parsing: RSS2 RSS1 ATOM JSONFeed External services: FreshRSS Nextcloud News Fever API Multi-account Feeds and folders manage...
hay / chantek Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests An unaspiring read-only HTTP API server written in Python. python api json rest json-api wikidata wikipedia-api readonly Updated Mar 27, 2023 Python fab2s / dt0 Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests Dt0 is a PHP implementation of a ...
Jsonnet jsonnet-language-server Julia julials Kotlin kotlin-language-server Inlay Hint 功能需要自己编译源码的版本才能返回 Inlay Hint 信息 Latex digestif lsp-bridge-tex-lsp-server 设置成 digestif texlab lsp-bridge-tex-lsp-server 设置成 texlab ltex-ls lsp-bridge-tex-lsp-server 设置成 ltex-...
2408 163 33 15 days ago JsonToKotlinClass/122 🚀 Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin ) 2374 166 10 a day ago BiliRoaming/123 哔哩漫游,解除B站客户端番剧区域限制的Xposed模块,并且提供其他小功能。An Xposed module that...
3、后端程序(koa、mongoDb、jsonwebtoken、ali-oss等技术) react-devtools调试(安卓模拟器) 1、开发者菜单中选择"Debug JS Remotely"选项 2、自动打开调试页面 http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui(可做断点调试) 3、打开有异常时暂停(Pause On Caught Exceptions)选项,能够获得更好的开发体验 ...
3、后端程序(koa、mongoDb、jsonwebtoken、ali-oss等技术) react-devtools调试(安卓模拟器) 1、开发者菜单中选择"Debug JS Remotely"选项 2、自动打开调试页面http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui(可做断点调试) 3、打开有异常时暂停(Pause On Caught Exceptions)选项,能够获得更好的开发体验 ...
1、详细各个配置项解析,可查看tsconfig.json2、配置paths,结果不起效,需在src目录添加package.json,配置如下 { "name": "@app" } 第三方库 1、autobind-decorator => 自动将方法绑定到类实例,针对babel7需额外配置插件,如下: { plugins: ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }] } 2...
,@field:JsonProperty("Total")valtotal: BigDecimal? ) {constructor() :this(0,"", BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ZERO) }Copy We also need a zero-arg constructorfor the Jackson parser. We can create it manually, like in the example, or else use theno-arg compiler plugin....
importjson Parse JSON in Python Thejsonmodule makes it easy to parse JSON strings and files containing JSON object. Example 1: Python JSON to dict You can parse a JSON string usingjson.loads()method. The method returns a dictionary.
您可以尝试使用ByteReadChannel.consumeEachBufferRange,它在通道的每个缓冲区上运行您传递给它的lambda ...