打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。Read It 4+ ELM Performance 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Read it ELM is a unique phone application to help your singers sing in French A portal to recordings of French poems used in mélodies read by Elise Lefay, language coach for singers....
Part1,使用react-native-geolocation-service第三方库,获取经纬度进行高德逆地理编码API调用,获取城市,开启google play服务,需要有处理获取位置的服务程序app/services/location(参考react-native-geolocation-service github example),以及修改android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml,添加<uses-permission android:name="and...
一款轻阅读应用ReadIT,支持功能:优质文章推送、评论点赞、计划制定、计划闹钟、天气预报、收藏文章、深浅两套主题、多语言切换、极光推送等功能。后续还会继续集成功能。前后端均自主研发,借鉴市面较好的种子工程,目前未上应用市场,文章目前也比较少,后续会持续补充优质文章。 下载体验(目前只有安卓版) Github https://...
Brand new beautifully designed text to speech app. If you have a text to read but you prefer rather to listen to it just use this application. It supports vario…
Read it Later(UWP) 导览 作为Read it Later的始祖,Pocket从未被超越,不过也从未出过WP客户端,不过我们有更优秀的Poki 关于Pocket 先科普一下Read it Later(稍后阅读) 稍后阅读,即是将网页(文字、图片、多媒体)等内容,通过用户操作,在网络浏览器及服务器中进行保存,或发送到指定云存储平台及邮箱。待到使用者...
打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。Read It For Me 4+ Rozga Wojciech 4.0 • 1 个评分 ¥8.00 截屏简介 Brand new beautifully designed text to speech app. If you have a text to read but you prefer rather to listen to it just use this application. It supports various voices, and you...
你是怎么使用 Pocket (Read it Later)、Instapaper、Readability 和 Evernote 的? Wade Dwyane 春水初生/春林初盛/春风十里/不如你 Instapaper(iOS端)是限免时候下的,主要用来离线电脑端有收藏价值的文章到手机端,具体使用两个小技巧: 使用主力浏览器Chrome在任何论坛任何站点看到有收藏价值值得再细读的文章时,点击...
So, what makes the best dedicated read later app? I'm glad you asked. I've been using one of these apps for over a decade, regularly switching between them in my quest to find the best offline reading experience possible. To me, the best read it later apps: Let you save articles to...
instapaper,Readerlater ,Pocket这等稍后阅读的app,在中国是不会有出头日的。分析几个不可能有出头之...
iReadItNow is not just an book-archive app. iReadItNow focuses on recording your reading life in rich context. When you read it, how you read it, every proses that touched your heart, and so on, you can keep all these records in a simple and organized way. Don't forget anything ...