Death Mage Amamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead pass...
the infinite possibilities for spirits Jun-26-22 Chapter 1259: Renewed life and light Jun-26-22 Chapter 1258: Someone asked me not to kill him, A farewell... Jun-26-22 Chapter 1257: Venting ones anger, I wont go easy next time Jun-19-22 Chapter 1256: Benefactor? Nemesis?
Chapter 687 - Cracking the Mageweath Dec-09-20 Chapter 686 - Ghost Dec-09-20 Chapter 685 - Endless and Infinite Dec-09-20 Chapter 684 - Tide of Death Dec-09-20 Chapter 683 - Rebirth Dec-09-20 Chapter 682 - Undead Monster Dec-09-20 Chapter 681 - Rights To Control Dec-09...
A blonde bowl-cut that produces a halo when light shines upon it; gentle, intellectual eyes; a well-featured pig’s snout; round cheek lines; manly fangs. A peerlessly handsome individual among Noble Orcs. He was born when his father was already quite old, so from a young age, he was...
Mage Academy: I Have Infinite Skill Points Chapter 358 Splitting The Heavens And Earth! Author(s) : Half-Fated Sir View : 149,504 Inhuman Warlock Inhuman Warlock Chapter 1075 1076: Beginning of Fate Author(s) : Demonic_angel View : 695,203 TOP...
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AI Dungeon Play and Create AI-Generated Adventures With Infinite Possibilities. Choose Your Adventure. Pick or create a character, a world, and a story. The AI fills in details for your unique adventure: choose from predefined worlds by other creators, pick a random one using quick start, or...
Still, she’d studied the great mage through her family members. They believed it was harmless to share information with her. Julija was a mistress of illusion. That was why she knew someone had built that sky to look as if it were the real deal. The constellation, with infinite slowness...
An infinite worker pool gives you the ability to control the pool and processes and monitor their status. goworker - goworker is a Go-based background worker. goworkers - A minimal and efficient scalable workerpool implementation in Go using goroutines. gowp - gowp is concurrency limiting ...
Infinite Plan, The Allende, Isabel 6/2/1993 F Ultimate Bike Path, The Sirota, Mike 5/27/1993 F Ragtime Doctorow, E. L. 5/20/1993 F Lost Boys Card, Orson Scott 5/14/1993 F Bean Trees, The Kingsolver, Barbara 5/13/1993 F Winds of Change Lackey, Mercedes 5/11/1993 F Shadow Ris...