第二个参数是要读取的数据块的起始的寄存器的地址,也就是通过I2C总线从0x00寄存器开始连续读sizeof(struct xydata_t)个数据到y_data中。
Data—Data that the block reads from the I2C peripheral device vector Status—Status of the read operation scalar Parameters expand all I2C module—I2C module to read data 0(default) | 1 Peripheral address—The I2C register peripheral address from which to read data ...
The I2C Controller Read block reads serial data from an I2C Peripheral devices that is connected to the board. Using this block, you can read data from a specific register on the I2C Peripheral devices. For more information on I2C communication, see Support I2C Communication. ...
i2c_smbus_write_word_data() 向设备指定偏移处写入二个字节 i2c_smbus_read_block_data() 从设备指定偏移处读取一块数据. i2c_smbus_write_block_data() 向设备指定偏移处写入一块数据. (<= 32字节) 总线事务 在实现驱动例子之前,通过放大镜观察导线,让我们来更好的理解I2C协议。清单8.1展示了和I2C EEPRO...
HAL_StatusTypeDef res = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(hi2c, DevAddress, mem_base_address + offset, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, &data, 1, 100); HAL_Delay(1); return data; } /** * @brief Writes a block of data to i2c_eeprom memory */ void persistent_memory_i2c_eeprom::wr...
I am using read write register in order to get the data from i2c block as I have observed that the data is not cleared in i2c register when the salve is removed after a period of time. So, i am planning to clear the buffer initially before every read operation. ...
I2C Periodic Read The 'I2CPeriodic Read' block reads a particular sub address from anyI2Cslave periodically and sends the value read in the output pin. Output Pins NameFormat [int/dec] - [control/audio]Function Description Pin 0:I2CDatadecimal - controlOutputs data read overI2C ...
PI2C_READ Pi2cRead;BOOLEANPi2cRead( [in] IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, [in] IN PI2C_CALLBACKS I2CCallbacks, [out] OUT PUCHAR Buffer, [in] IN ULONG Length ){...} パラメーター [in] HwDeviceExtension ミニポート ドライバーのアダプターごとのデバイス拡張機能へのポインター。
For I2C Controller Read block, change: Data type as uint16 (this groups result from low and high registers) Data length as 3 (to read data from three axes.) Register address as 0xA8 open_system('stm32_ex_i2c_read3AxisAutoIncrement'); ...
I2C_ADDR_BIT_LEN_7, .device_address = 0x76, .scl_speed_hz = 100000, }; err = i2c_master_bus_add_device(handle, &cfg, &hDev); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(LOGTAG, "read chip revision of BM*280"); uint8_t reg = 208; uint8_t data = 0; err = i2c_master_transmit...