In C or C++ (windows), how do you read RAM by giving a physical (not virtual) address? That means without going trough virtual memory system (mmu tables), and being specific to one process. I already know the APIReadProcessMemory, which reads from ram (used by most trainers) but it ...
I'm trying to read address 0x0400000 (start address of avalon interface 32bits read) and the NIOS just stopped working, I can't read the entire memory block (0x0400000 - 0x040ffff or so) but i can read from other memory blocks, I wonder if anyone encountered this problem ? Transl...
3) 实例:Read a word from memory A. 写sbcs寄存器: a. sbaccess=2:访问大小为32bit; b. sbreadonaddr=1:every write to sbaddress0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the new address. B. 写sbaddress0寄存器:写入要访问的内存物理地址;由于A中把sbreadonaddr置位,所以这一步写sbaddress0...
IDebugDataSpaces::CheckLowMemory 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadBusData 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadControl 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadDebuggerData 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadIo 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadMsr 方法 IDebugDataSpaces::ReadPhysical 方法
一丶ReadProcessMemory 和WriteProcessMemory 的小知识. 我们都知道 Ring3读写别人进程的内存.都是用这两个API进行操作的. 但是游戏为了保护自己.对这两个API进行了HOOK. 进而使自己的游戏进程不会被更改. 但是我们有没有想过. 我们是否可以自己实现这个API. ...
I want to access Physical memory in BSD. acpidump -t XSDT > xsdt_dump.asl it is giving: /* RSD PTR: OEM=ALASKA, ACPI_Rev=2.0x (2) XSDT=0x9aae8070, length=36, cksum=164 */ /* XSDT: Length=92, Revision=1, Checksum=244, OEMID=ALASKA, OEM Table ID=H55HC, OEM Revision=0...
分析ReadProcessMemory如何进入R0【下】 一、回顾 上节我们学习API系统调用在R3部分做的事情,2种方式进入R0,(中断门和快速调用),分别调用两个不同的函 数,KiSystemService,和 KiFastCallEntry.接下来我们来逆向分析KiSystemService. 逆向分析之前,思考四个问题: ...
memory element on the ROM chip. A diode is utilized to link the correlating components. The address input is utilized to locate the specific memory location whenever a request is submitted. The value that is taken from the ROM chip must coincide with what is in the selected element of the ...
PAEPhysical Address Extensions MCEMachine Check Exception MTRRMemory Type Range Registers PGEPage Global Enable MCAMachine Check Architecture PATPage Attribute Table MMXMultimedia Extensions PBEPending Break Enable DTES6464-bit Debug Store MWAITmonitorMonitor/Mwait support ...