people have realized thatanimeand manga are an important part of the entertainment gold mine. However, it is quite hard for an average user to know which sites are the best for reading manga online. So, here is a list of the best sites ...
C236 Manga, Gong QingyuC237 Lee Yun Wanted both Su Muxin and Gong Qingyu..C238 Giving Gong Qingyu a Painting.C239 The Happy Gong Qingyu..C240 Lv Qiu, Master LvhC241 Lv Qiu(last part)C242 Evaluating the Master's PaintingC243 Your Painting Lacks Emotion!C244 It Lacks Emotion!C245 Ding!
Just like Crunchyroll, this is another legal way to read manga online and the great Mangarock alternative. But it is not a free alternative of mangarock. Numerous manga series can be purchased digitally with just one click via Viz. A volume often costs around $6 to $7, but can also be...
One Manga Day Major Mayhem BOMB The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav Yet Another Zombie Defense Gulf of Aden - Task Force Somalia Pyrite Heart Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis Steam Marines Rabbit Hole 3D: Steam Edition Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation CITYCONOMY...
Read Wrote Read Wrote(58) Uses external data. Price when purchased online 25 Read & Write Mini-Books: That Teach Word Families, (Paperback) $849 current price $8.49 25 Read & Write Mini-Books: That Teach Word Families, (Paperback)
apiKey Yes Yes Image sharing platform for anime images No Yes No Wibu API Anime, Donghua, Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, J-Drama, Genshin Impact. All-in-one weebs related stuff api. No Yes Yes⬆ Back to IndexAnti-MalwareAPI
Mikko Hypponen has spent 30 years investigating the dark sides of the net: online crime, data leaks, security vulnerabilities and online espionage。 Through examples and case studies, he investigates how we got here and where are we going next。This book is an insider's look into how the ...
AniList - The AniList GraphQL Api provides quick and powerful access to over 500k anime and manga entries, including character, staff, and live airing data Comic Vine - An extremely mature, well organized and continuely updated resource of comic information Danbooru - Danbooru Imageboard API Kitsu...
MangaDex Manga Database and Community apiKey Yes Unknown Mangapi Translate manga pages from one language to another apiKey Yes Unknown MyAnimeList Anime and Manga Database and Community OAuth Yes Unknown NekosBest Neko Images & Anime roleplaying GIFs No Yes Yes Shikimori Anime discovery, tracking...
Jikan Unofficial MyAnimeList API No Yes Yes Kitsu Anime discovery platform OAuth Yes Unknown MyAnimeList Anime and Manga Database and Community OAuth Yes Unknown Studio Ghibli Resources from Studio Ghibli films No Yes Unknown What Anime Scan anime image to get specific detail No Yes Yes⬆...